Multiple Choice 解析5
The world's population grows by approximately seventy million per year. This situation calls for solutions to control growth since a rapid population explosion will bring with many negative effects.The Earth and its resources remain constant as populations around the globe continue to rise.This means that scarcity of resources is likely to happen in the near future.Overpopulation is a problem, especially since the world is suffering from many environmental problems which render many present resources contaminated or unusable.If overpopulation is not be addressed, depletion of natural resources will be inevitable, and this will diminish man's quality of life.
●Question 分析与答案
Unchecked popuIation growth can Iead to?
A. excess of natural resources
B. shortage of natural resources
C. overabundance of labor resources
D. scarcity of product demand
Question提问人口剧增所带来的后果。符合题干的是文章第四句中剧增的人口导致资源枯竭(scarcity of resources)的内容。选项B的“shortage of natural resources”与文章内容一致,故答案为B。选项A与文章内容相反;选项C, D在文章中未提及,故可以排除。

词汇巩固approximateIy约,近似地 expIosion爆炸,剧增 resource资源,资产 constant始终如一的,一定程度的gIobe球,地球 scarcity不足,枯竭 overpopuIation人口过剩 contaminate污染,弄脏 unusabIe不可利用的,没用的 inevitabIe不可避免的,当然的 diminish缩小,减少 excess超过,过多 shortage不足,枯竭overabundance过剩,过多