Multiple Choice 解析4
Discrimination in any form is still unfair treatment. Today, another kind of discrimination goes unchecked in businesses and corporations, that is, age discrimination.There are companies that prefer to hire young applicants and dismiss older ones without even appropriately inspecting job qualifications.Some corporations also show partiality by giving promotions to older employees, even though there are younger employees who are more competent and deserving.Hiring and promotion should not be based on age, but on ability, experience, work ethics and accomplishments.
Passage4是一篇关于职场内年龄歧视(age discrimination)的文章。文章主张评价职员要依据业务能力、成就,经验等因素,而不是年龄的大小。
●Question 分析与答案
Business entities can show age discrimination by?
A. Hiring the best qualified applicants
B. Rejecting unqualified job aspirants
C. Promoting deserving employees
D. Giving preference to younger job candidates
Question提问通过怎样的方式(by)可以看出企业主体(business entities)的年龄歧视。在文章的第三句(prefer to hire young applicants)中可以找到符合的内容。与此内容一致的是选项D,其他选项不符合文章的内容。

词汇巩固discrimination区别,识别 unfair不公平的 go unchecked不加节制,不规制 dismiss解散,解雇 appropriateIy适当地 inspect视察,检查 partiaIity偏袒,偏小,不公平 promotion晋升,晋级 competent有能力的,能干的deserve应当 accompIishment成就,成果 entity实在,存在 aspirant有抱负的,渴望的 unquaIified没有资格的,不适合的 candidate候选人,志愿者