2.00:70——84分的考生人数比例 (1人)
1.00:60—69分的考生人数比例 (2人)
1. 试题的效度
2.转达信息 仔细阅读下列图画,并根据图画选出合适的单词完成下列描述。(10%)
morning lovely two sisters night
Hi, everyone! I am Mimi. I am three months old. I have______ sisters. Mum takes good care of us. Every ______, we get up late, and have milk for our breakfast. I love milk very much. Every ______ we sleep in the warm bed. I often play with my ______. My mum often says I am a ______baby.
转达信息(information transfer)可以较全面地检测学生的阅读理解和运用能力。第8题并不能很好地体现学生转达信息的能力,因为学生可以不用看图,单凭所给单词就可以完成。所以说, 第4题才是“转达信息”。
4.看图配词 看图,阅读句子,并选用相应词语填入对应的横线上。(10%)
sister brother mother grandfather husband wife
Look! This is David's family tree. Can you tell me who they are?
(1 ) Sue's grandfather is Terry.
(2 ) May is David's ___________.
(3 ) May's ___________ is Jeff.
(4 ) Terry is Diana's ____________.
(5 ) May is Jeff's _____________.
(6 ) May's __________ is Diana.
另外,笔者认为第4题可以针对测试对象做以下调整:学生首先阅读David的家庭成员介绍,然后要求学生根据介绍完成David's family tree,即把阅读内容中家庭成员的名字填写在正确的位置上,这样更加适合六年级学生完成。
Model: (1) A: What does this sign mean?
B: We can walk across the zebra crossing here.
3. 听音排序 听录音,给下面的图排顺序,录音放两遍。(10%)
Model: (1) Bob played basketball yesterday.
Good morning, welcome to our show. This morning, Bob, a basketball player from our school team, is going to shoot. Jack is going to draw…
另外,为了避免学生只听到名字就做出判断,影响效度, 建议名字不出现在卷面上。
检验测试信度的其中一种方法是试题分半法,即计算两半所得分数的相关性。笔者把56人每人每题的得分输入电脑,采用SPSS 12.0 的信度分析功能得出总测试卷的信度系数(见表5)。从表5可看出,信度系数为0.798,这表明整份试卷的可信度较强。
表示题目特征的两个指标是题目的难度和区分度。计算客观性试题难度公式为:FV=R/N。 其中R 表示答对该题的考生人数,N为考生总人数。整个测试平均难度值的理想指标应为0.5,难度值在0.7至0.3之间的题目都可接受(Heaton, 2000)。《新课程标准》提出,在小学阶段,我们应该把激发学生的学习兴趣、帮助学生建立自信放在首位,所以在测试中,平均难度值可做适当调整。表6是每题的难度值(第10题为主观题)。
说明:考试时间60分钟,满分100分。A=85-100, B=70-84, C=60-69, D=59或以下。
听 力 部 分
1.听音辨图 听录音,给你所听到的图片下的括号内编号,录音放两遍。 (10%)
Model: (1) A: What does this sign mean?
B: We can walk across the zebra crossing here.
2.听辨句子 听录音,选择你听到的信息,将答案的编号填在题前的括号里,录音放两遍。(10%)
Model: (1) A: Hello, Peter. Who is the boy in the picture?
B: It's my new friend, Jack.
( A ) (1) Who is Peter's new friend?
A. Jack.
B. Tom.
( ) (2) What tree are they talking about?
A.A peach tree.
B.An apple tree.
( ) (3) What does David like?
A. Maths.
B. P.E.
( ) (4) Where is Tom?
A. In the garden.
B. In the shop.
( ) (5) Was John born in England?
A. Yes
B. No.
( ) (6) What is Tim's favourite flower?
A. Sunflower.
B. Rose.
3.听音排序 听录音,给下面的图排顺序,录音放两遍。 (10%)
Model: (1) Bob played basketball yesterday.
读 写 综 合 部 分
4.看图配词 看图, 阅读句中的句子,并选用相应词语填入对应的横线上。(10%)
sister brother mother grandfather husband wife
Look, This is David's family tree. Can you tell me who they are?
(1) Sue's grandfather is Terry.
(2) May is David's_______.
(3) May's ________ is Jeff.
(4) Terry is Diana's ______.
(5) May is Jeff's ________.
(6) May's_______is Diana.
5.看图配句 看图阅读对话,将对话与相应的图配对,并将对话的序号填入对应图的框号内。 (10%)
Lilly: Where were you born Dad?
Dad: I was born in Zhuhai.
(2) Lilly: Where did you study, Dad?
Dad: I studied in Qinghua University.
(3) Lilly: When did you meet Mum?
Dad: I met your mum in 1985 in Sydney.
Lilly: Who's that little girl?
Dad: It's you, when you were a baby.
Lilly: Did I begin my school life in 1993?
Dad: Yes. You began your school life in Zhuhai.
6.短文理解 仔细阅读小短文,选择最佳答案,将答案的编号填在题前的括号里。(10%)
Dear Dad and Mum,
I am very happy in London. Lily and her family are good to me.
Every Monday, Lily and I go to the beach. Every Friday, Lily goes to the library. She likes reading English books. Lily's brother, Kenny, likes drawing very much. He has a drawing lesson on Fridays.
Last Friday, Lily did not go to the library and Kenny did not have his drawing lesson. They went on a picnic with me. We had a very good time.
( ) (1) This is a letter from ______.
A. Windy
B. Lily
( ) (2) Windy is now in ______.
A. England
B. the USA
( ) (3) Lily and Windy go to the beach on _______.
A. Monday
B. Friday
( ) (4) Kenny likes ______ .
A. reading
B. drawing
( ) (5) Windy and Kenny ________ last Friday.
A. had a drawing lesson
B. went on a picnic
7.故事理解 看图阅读小故事,并根据故事内容判断句子对错。对的写T,错的写F。(10%)
( T ) (1) Last Sunday, Mr. Baker and his two children, Sam and Sue went to the park. They were very happy.
( ) (2) They were near the river. There were four ducks in the river. They were happy too.
( ) (3) Sam was very hungry. He had a very big apple. He gave one to his sister, Sue.
( ) (4) Sue gave some food to the ducks. Sue was nice and the ducks were very happy.
( )(5) Oh! Sue was in the river then. She couldn't swim. Mr. Baker helped her get out of water.
( ) (6) Sue thanked Mr. Baker. Mr. Baker was happy.
8.转达信息 仔细阅读下列图画,并根据图画选出合适的单词完成下列描述。(10%)
morning night two sisters lovely
Hi, everyone! I am Kitty. I am three months old. I have _______________ sisters. Mum takes good care of us. Every _______________, we get up late and have milk for our breakfast. I love milk very much. Every _______________ we sleep in the warm bed. I often play with my _______________. My mum often says I am a _______________ baby.
9.补全对话 Katy和奶奶在看照片。根据情景从所给的选项中选出恰当的句子补全对话。(10%)
Mum: Look at this picture. This is me.
Katy: Really! (1) C ?
Mum: I was born in Zhuhai.
Katy: (2) _______
Mum: I was born in 1965.
Katy: (3) _______
Mum: No. It was only a fishing village.
Katy: (4) _______
A.Was Zhuhai a city then?
Mum: I could see some old houses.
B.What was the life like then?
Katy: (5) _______
C.Where were you born, Mum?
Mum: It was very small.
D.When were you born then?
Katy: (6) _______
E.Was Zhuhai big or small?
Mum: We had a hard life.F.What could you see in the village?
10.看图作文 发自热爱家乡之情,你和你的同伴想为英语晨报写一篇介绍。请参考你同伴对旧照片的描述,用40——50个单词左右完成对珠海新貌的描述。要求:语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰规范。(10%)
I love Zhuhai
Zhuhai is my hometown. Many years ago, it was a fishing village. There were only some old houses on the beach. Many people were fishermen and farmers. In 1965, my grandparents moved to America. People lived a hard life in the old days.
Today Zhuhai is a____________________________________
1.听音辨图 ,给你所听到的图片编号,录音放两遍。
(1) W: What does this sign mean?
M: We can walk across the zebra crossing here.
(2) W: What does this sign mean?
M: We can take the pedestrian bridge.
W: What does this sign mean?
M: We can walk here.
W: What does this sign mean?
M: There is no right turn.
M: What does this sign mean?
W: We cannot walk here.
M: What does this sign mean?
W: We can ride here.
2.听辨句子,选择你听到的信息,将答案填在题前的括号里, 录音放两遍。
(1) W: Hello, Peter. Who is the boy in the picture?
M: It's my new friend, Jack.
Question: Who is Peter's new friend?
W: What tree is it?
M: It's a peach tree.
Question: What tree are they talking?
W: What's the matter, David? M: I'm not good at maths. I like P.E.
Question: What does David like?
W: Where is Tom watering flowers?
M: In the garden.
Question: Where is Tom?
W: Where were you born, John?
M: In the USA.
Question: Was John born in England?
W: What flower do you like best, Tim?
M: Sunflower.
Question: What is Tim's favourite flower?
3.听音排序 听录音,给下面的图排顺序,录音放两遍。
(1) Bob played basketball yesterday.
(2) Tim went running last Sunday.
(3) Jack is drawing a picture now.
(4) John likes flying kites.
(5) Tom can swim very well.
(6) David is playing football now.