[词语]a pain in the neck
[趣释]【物事喻指】美国人认为,再也没有比脖子疼更难受的事了。于是,他们在口语中,就用“脖子疼”(a pain in the neck)来喻指讨厌的任务或责任,惹人生气的家伙。经常会有非常麻烦、令人焦躁的意味。为了加强语气,可以在pain之前加副词real,例如: a real pain in the neck。
[运用]The guy is a pain in the neck. Everytime he sees me, he either wants to tell me his troubles or borrow money from me. 那是一个讨厌的家伙。每次他见到我不是向我诉苦,就是借钱。
Being chairman of that committee is a real pain in the neck. I realize it's an honour, but it takes too much of my time. 当那个委员会主席真是叫人头疼!我知道他是一种荣誉,但它占用我的时间太多了。
The fellow is a pain in the neck to me. He's forever complaining about something another. 那个家伙我讨厌极了。他不是对这件事情不平,就是对那件事情不满。
I didn't mind this job at first, but recently it has become a pain in the neck. 我最初没把这个工作当回事,可是最近它令我讨厌极了。
注:在这个成语中 “in one's neck”,表示真的脖子疼;“in the neck”才表示喻指意义。例如:I have a pain in my neck.我脖子疼。The task is a pain in the neck. 这个任务真叫人头疼。