[词语]to cut the cackle
to cut the cackle and come to the horses
[趣释]【物事喻指】成语“别唠叨,还是先卖马”(to cut cackle and come to the horses)据说是来自牲口市场上没有耐心的买马人。cackle是母鸡下蛋前后的“咯咯”叫声,此处喻指卖马人唠唠叨叨的说话声。在牲口市场上,爱唠叨的卖马人见有顾客来买马便喋喋不休地介绍起自己的马匹。没有耐心的买马人听得不耐烦了,连忙制止说:“别尽唠叨那些小事,还是先卖马吧!”后来,“别唠叨那些小事”(to cut the cackle)或“别唠叨,还是先卖马吧!”(to cut the cackle and come to the horses)就被人们用来喻指少废话、别胡扯、免去套话、开门见山。
[运用]The chairman cut the cackle and brought his idea up at the meeting. 主席在会上开门见山地提出了他的观点。
Cut the cackle, James! It's time you talked more seriously. 别闲扯了,詹姆斯!该是谈正事的时候了。
“Cut the cackle! Yes or no? ”she slapped her hand down my desk. “你少废话,到底行不行?”她把手往桌上一拍。
Let's cut the cackle and come to the horses, shall we? 让我们闲话少说,言归正传,好吗?