About the Authors
Clif Flynt has been programming computers since 1970, administering Linux/Unix systems since 1985, and writing since he was 9 years old.
He's active in the Tcl/Tk and Linux user communities. He speaks frequently at technical conferences and user groups.
He owns and runs Noumena Corporation, where he develops custom software and delivers training sessions. His applications have been used by organizations ranging from one man startups to the US Navy. These applications range from distributed simulation systems to tools to help fiction authors write better (Editomat). He has trained programmers on four continents.
When not working with computers, Clif plays guitar, writes fiction experiments with new technologies, and plays with his wife's cats.
He's the author of Tcl/Tk: A Developer's Guide by Morgan Kauffman, 2012, as well as several papers, and magazine articles. His poetry and fiction have been published in small journals, including Write to Meow by Grey Wolfe Press, 2015.
h t t p ://w w w . n o u c o r p . c o m
h t t p s ://w w w . l i n k e d i n . c o m /i n /c l i f f l y n t /
Sarath Lakshman is a 27 year old who was bitten by the Linux bug during his teenage years. He is a software engineer working in ZCloud engineering group at Zynga, India. He is a life hacker who loves to explore innovations. He is a GNU/Linux enthusiast and hactivist of free and open source software. He spends most of his time hacking with computers and having fun with his great friends. Sarath is well known as the developer of SLYNUX (2005)—a user friendly GNU/Linux distribution for Linux newbies. The free and open source software projects he has contributed to are PiTiVi Video editor, SLYNUX GNU/Linux distro, Swathantra Malayalam Computing, School-Admin, Istanbul, and the Pardus Project. He has authored many articles for the Linux For You magazine on various domains of FOSS technologies. He had made a contribution to several different open source projects during his multiple Google Summer of Code projects. Currently, he is exploring his passion about scalable distributed systems in his spare time. Sarath can be reached via his website h t t p ://w w w . s a r a t h l a k s h m a n . c o m.
Shantanu Tushar is an advanced GNU/Linux user since his college days. He works as an application developer and contributes to the software in the KDE projects. Shantanu has been fascinated by computers since he was a child, and spent most of his high
school time writing C code to perform daily activities. Since he started using GNU/Linux, he has been using shell scripts to make the computer do all the hard work for him. He also takes time to visit students at various colleges to introduce them to the power of Free Software, including its various tools. Shantanu is a well-known contributor in the KDE community and works on Calligra, Gluon and the Plasma subprojects. He looks after maintaining Calligra Active – KDE's offie document viewer for tablets, Plasma Media Center, and the Gluon Player. One day, he believes, programming will be so easy that everybody will love to write programs for their computers. Shantanu can be reached by e-mail on shantanu@kde.org, shantanutushar on Identi.ca/Twitter, or his website h t t p ://w w w . s h a n t a n u t u s h a r . c o m.