Getting started
All libraries used in this script are present in Python's standard library. The preferred library, in most situations, for handling file and folder iteration is the built-in os library. While this library supports many useful operations, we will focus on the os.path() and os.walk() functions. Let’s use the following folder hierarchy as an example to demonstrate how directory iteration works in Python:
|-- key.txt
|-- Plans
| |-- plans_0012b.txt
| |-- plans_0016.txt
| `-- Successful_Plans
| |-- plan_0001.txt
| |-- plan_0427.txt
| `-- plan_0630.txt
|-- Spreadsheets
| |-- costs.csv
| `-- profit.csv
`-- Team
|-- Contact18.vcf
|-- Contact1.vcf
`-- Contact6.vcf
4 directories, 11 files