The final phase – the microservices shop
The monolith has been split, and the architecture is now microservices. There may be remains of the monolith that are deemed to have lower priority. Any new feature is implemented in the microservices style.
While desirable, it may not be realistic to migrate absolutely everything from the monolith. Some parts may take a long time to migrate because they are especially difficult to migrate or they deal with strange corners of your company. If that's the case, at least clearly define the boundaries and limit their action radius.
This phase is where the teams can take full ownership of their microservices and start making tests and innovations such as changing the programming language. Architecture can change as well, and microservices can be split or joined. Have clear boundaries defining what the agreed requirements for microservices are, but allow freedom within them.
Teams will be well-established and the process will run smoothly. Keep an eye on good ideas coming from different teams and be sure to spread the word.
Congratulations! You did it!