我来介绍一下我第一次去中国的事。高中的时候有机会去中国,我去湖南省张家界了。5天4夜中三天在中国人的家了。那时,我说汉语说得不流利,发音也不好。所以那中国朋友跟我没聊天。我说英语也说得不流利,可是那个朋友两个语都说得很好。我只说“听不懂!听不懂!对不起!! ”那个朋友说“没事没事”,但我心情不好。以后我努力地学习汉语。现在我会说一点汉语。我的周围的朋友对我说:“你的汉语说得很好,发音也不错。”我说“哪里哪里”“谢谢”,听称赞的时候,我决心了“更努力地学习!”那时有机会交中国朋友。因为跟中国朋友去他学校了。在教室里有很多的中国人,一起上课了。那时我听不懂老师的说话,除了我以外他们都在笑。有机会交中国朋友,跟中国朋友一起聊天。可是我听不懂,不会说汉语。。。很可惜!如果现在再去的话,可能我一定要交中国朋友!我觉得在中国里有风景很漂亮的地方,我去过张家界、上海和青岛。我想去别的地方,也想交很多中国朋友。
I have known Mr Liu for more than two semesters, firstly through being a student of his at Beijing Language and Culture University, and then also as a good personal friend during the time I have been in China.
Mr Liu can be highly recommended, both as a teacher generally, and especially as a teacher of Chinese. Mr Liu is thorough and diligent, and very enthusiastic about his subject, which all of his students greatly appreciated without exception. His lively and animated classroom style was of great benefit to his classes, and this was in addition to his great attention to the syllabus and his concern that students are equipped to tackle all possible future uses of the language.
As personal friend Mr Liu was easily able to handle the dual function of being a teacher, and the role of socializing with students, in a way which enabled support of the students during their first stages of arriving in China. His personal approach, while maintaining class authority, was a difficult one, but one which seems to suit his character very well. Few other teachers at the university were able to combine these aspects so well in my view.
From this point of view it would seem that he would be suited to any teaching position related to his subjects of interest, and I have no hesitation in recommending him to you and supporting his application.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Kevin Munns.