李爱军 袁一
摘要 普通话的重音模式具有层级性。以往的研究认为,普通话双焦点句中最右边的焦点成分可以实现为核心重音,而左侧的焦点实现为核心前重音,两级重音对立。本文首先考察多焦点句若强调焦点在语句最左侧的时候,是否可以实现为核心重音?其次,如果多焦点句的核心重音在最左侧实现,右侧的其他焦点成分是否能实现为核心后的重音?最后,这些焦点成分的语音表现如何?为此,我们选择双宾语句,控制句子的最左边的主语为修正焦点,增加宾语前的修饰成分调节句长,实现不同焦点结构。感知和声学产出结果表明,句子最左边的修正焦点实现为核心重音,其右侧的焦点可以实现为不同层级的核心后重音;在间接宾语后有一个明显的语调短语边界;焦点重音实现的语音特征表现为焦点处的音高、时长以及焦点后音域压缩等韵律特征的融合。焦点重音的实现受句法结构、焦点结构(语义)以及韵律结构的制约。
关键词 焦点;修正焦点;韵律结构;核心重音;核心后重音;韵律特征
Phonetic Implementation of Multiple Foci in Mandarin Chinese
LI Aijun YUAN Yi
Abstract The present research investigates the realization of post-nuclear accents through examining the double-object construction[Subject Verb (M1) Object1 (M2) Object2]under various focus conditions in Standard Chinse (SC).Previous studies indicated that the nuclear accent in the double-focus condition is carried by the focus on the right whereas the pre-nuclear accent by the focus on the left.In the present study,it is found that a corrective focus is always assigned to the subject in single and multiple-focus conditions (two or three foci).Acoustic and perceptual data are employed to investigate how multiple foci are realized in the nuclear (i.e.the subject) and post-nuclear positions,with the following observations made.i) When the nuclear accent is placed on the leftmost position,other foci can be realized as post-nuclear accents.ii) When the focus is realized as the nuclear accent,both the F0 expansion and pitch range compression immediately after the focus are relevant cues.For the non-final post-nuclear accent,pitch range compression is a stronger and more reliable cue than the F0 expansion.iii) In the double-object construction,a prosodic boundary after Object1 renders this construction into two prosodic phrases with Subject attracting the nuclear accent of the intonation phrase.iv) There are no significant differences for duration in various focus positions.v) Results of perceptual experiment indicate that hierarchically organized multiple accents are present in SC,and their phonetic realizations are constrained by the prosodic structure,the syntactic structure and the information structure.
Key words Focus;Prosodic Structure;Corrective Focus;Nuclear Accent;Post-nuclear Accents;Prosodic Features