This Code is developed by Sinopec Luoyang Petrochemical Engineering Corporation in cooperation with other involved organizations under the administration of China Petrochemical Corporation(Sinopec Group)based on the requirements of Document Jian Biao[2006]No.136 issued by original Ministry of Construction(MOC)of the People's Republic of China-Notice on Printing the Development and Revision Plan of National Engineering Construction Standards(2nd Group)in 2006.
This Code comprises 12 chapters and 6 appendixes,and mainly includes the general,terms,basic requirements,designs of above ground pipelines coordination,designs of underground pipelines coordination,compiling the design diagrams for pipelines coordination,pipeline construction,detecting the underground pipeline,survey of underground pipeline,compiling the pipelines coordination present diagram,pipeline as-built survey and underground pipeline exploration report,and pipelines coordination information management system.
The provisions printed in bold type aremandatory and must be enforced strictly.
Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China is in charge of administration of this Code and explanation of its mandatory provisions,China Petrochemical Corporation(Sinopec Group)is responsible for its routine management,and SINOPEC Luoyang Branch is tasked for explanation of specific technical contents.
In the process of implementing this Code,it is appreciated to summarize the experience and accumulate the data in time on the basis of construction practice.The relevant comments and recommendations,whenever necessary,may be posted or passed on to SINOPEC Luoyang Branch.(Address:Zhongyuan Road,Jili District,Luoyang,Henan Province,P.R.China.Post code:471012)for reference in future revision.
Name list of the chief development organization,participating development organizations and chief drafters,chief reviewers of the Code:
Chief Development Organization:
SINOPEC Luoyang Branch
Participating Development Organizations:
Sinopec Shanghai Engineering Co.Ltd.
CNPC Pipeline Engineering Co.Ltd.
Beijing New Oriental Star Petrochemical Engineering Co.Ltd.
Jiangsu Engineering Physics Survey Institute
Sinopec Luoyang Petrochemical Engineering Corporation
China Ordnance Industry Survey and Geotechnical Institute
Sinopec Zhenhai Refining and Chemical Co.Ltd.
Fangyuan Construction Supervision Consulting Co.Ltd.Yueyang
Changling Refining and Petrochemical
Sinopec Fourth Construction Co.Ltd.
Changling Branch of Sinopec Assets Operation and Management Co.Ltd.
Luoyang Petrochemical Engineering Design Co.Ltd.
Chief Drafters:
Sun Fuji Qian Lingming Yi Shiyou Wei Wenqiang Li Guohua
Pan Hui Tao Yijun Zhou Jun Ye Hongyue Gao Guozheng
Tang Menghai Zhao Yuntong Weng Keqin Tan Jianxun Zhao Shuqiang
Zhong Chongbiao Zhang Jianwei Yuan Wenzhong Liao An Lu Yong
Qi Jianhua
Chief Reviewers:
Zhou Jiaxiang Ge Chunyu Ji Hongjin Chen Zhilang Shi Lianzhong
Zhao Yong Lai jindong Xu Mingcai Hu Jian Kan Hanhua
Zhang Shuling
Chief Translators:
Li Yang
Translating Reviewer:
Xu Yonggang Qi Kun