This Code was developed by CISDI Engineering Co.,Ltd.together with the organizations concerned in accordance with the requirements of"Notice on Printing and Distributing the Development and Revision Plan of Engineering Construction Standards and Codes in 2006(Batch 2)"(JIAN BIAO[2006]No.136)issued by the former Ministry of Construction(MOC).
During the drafting process,the Code development team has carried out a couple of specific studies,necessary tests and investigations.While summarizing the experiences in designing,construction and use of metallurgical equipment foundations of iron and steel enterprises in China,opinions and suggestions have been solicited from the research,engineering and production organizations or institutes.This Code of the present version is the final result of full examination and approval of relevant authorities.
This Code comprises 10 Chapters and 5 Appendices,covering General Provisions,Terms and Symbols,General Requirements,Foundations of Blast Furnaces,Foundations of Hot Blast Stoves,Foundations of Converters,Foundations of Electric Arc Furnaces,Foundations of Continuous Casting Machines,Foundations of Reheating Furnaces and Heat Treatment Furnaces,and Foundations of Rolling Mill Equipment.
The provisions printed in bold type are compulsory ones and must be enforced strictly.
The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development is in charge of the governance of this Code and the interpretation of the compulsory provisions.China Metallurgical Construction Association is responsible for the routine management,while CISDI Engineering Co.,Ltd.is responsible for the specific technical interpretation.All the concerned organizations,in the implementation process of this Code,are kindly requested to build up experience and data in real sense and feed back the opinions and suggestions,where necessary,to the Management Team of Code for Design of Metallurgical Equipment Foundations of Iron and Steel Enterprises of CISDI Engineering Co.,Ltd.(address:No.1,Shuanggang Road,Yuzhong District,Chongqing 400013,China)for reference in future revision.
Chief Development Organization,Participating Development Organizations,Chief Drafting Staff,and Chief Examiners of this Code:
Chief Development Organization:
CISDI Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Participating Development Organizations:
WISDRI Engineering & Research Incorporation Ltd.
Capital Engineering & Research Incorporation Ltd.
MCC Architecture Research Institute
BERIS Engineering and Research Corporation
China National Erzhong Group Co.
Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology
Baoshan Iron and Steel Co.,Ltd.
Shanghai Baoye Construction Co.,Ltd.
China 20th Metallurgical Corporation
Wuhan Iron and Steel Co.,Ltd.
Beijing NVC Architectural Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Fischer(Taicang)Fixings Co.,Ltd.
Chief Drafting Staff:
Dong Qishi Hu Zhaohui Xue Shangling Wang Wanli Zhang Yuming
Meng Yu Xiao Qihua Li Shuben Yang Wenqi Zhu Danmeng
Shen Zhongan Gao Shun Liang Yicong Shao Jumin Gao Yanping
Han Xiaolei Fu Zhengyao Wang Huaizhong Yang Jun Yuan Yanhong
Qu Haifeng Xiang Junhua Guan Liping Pan Jin
Chief Examiners:
Mu Haisheng Guo Qijiao Zhang Changxin Wang Chuangshi Yang Xiaoyang
Liu Jianguo Hao Suying Wang Ping Zhu Delin