Main Characters and Main Places

a peasant of the Camellia Village

Fang Xiangqiang’s daughter

Fang Xiaocao’s twin brother

蓝天Lán Tiān
the kind-hearted person who helped Fang Xiaocao,a Chinese professor in the South University

高文章Gāo Wénzhānɡ
Lan Tian’s husband,the owner of a shoemaking company based in Shenzhen

钱聪明Qián Cōnɡmínɡ
the boss of a clothing company producing Camellia shirts

钱乐乐Qián Lèle
Qian Congming’s adopted son,who natural parents are Lan Tian and Gao Wenzhang

梅云Méi Yún
the live-in nursemaid of the Qian family

the nursemaid Lan Tian hired
北京Běijīnɡ:Beijing,the capital of China
深圳Shēnzhèn:Shenzhen,a city in southern China
万山县高山乡茶花村Wànshān Xiàn Gāoshān XiānɡCháhuā Cūn:the Camellia village ofGaoshan town,Wanshan county
北京通州Běijīnɡ Tōnɡzhōu:Tongzhou district of Beijing
(All the proper nouns in the text are underlined,such as in蓝天)