45.Multiple Periosteoma多发性骨膜瘤
Nurse: Mr. Wang,have you thought about how sad your wife and son would be if you give up treatment and let the cancer spread?
护士: 老王,你想过没有,如果你放弃了治疗,任癌细胞肆意蔓延,你妻子、儿子会如何伤心吗?
Patient: It is because they have to take leaves after my previous operations and accompanied me day and night,I don’t want to trouble them again.
病人: 正因为我每次术后他们都要请假,日日夜夜守护我,陪伴我,所以我才更不该拖累他们。
Nurse: But have you ever thought about that they did this was because of their love and hope for you. How could they work and live if you give up treatment? They will be worrying about you all the time. If you left them forever,how can they not feel sad and sorrow all their lives? Please think about these!
护士: 可是,你想过没有,他们是为爱和希望才这样做的。如果你放弃了治疗,他们又如何能安心地工作和生活呢,他们将时刻惦记你的生命安危。一旦你离开了他们,他们能不悲痛欲绝抱憾终身吗?请想想这些!
Patient: Amputation means that I’ll become a crippled person. I cannot accept this fact.
病人: 截肢意味着我变成了一个残疾人,我无法接受这个事实。
Nurse: Yes,losing a leg is a bitter experience physically and mentally. But you must face this cruel reality in order to keep you alive and keep the integrity of your family. Besides,you may install an artifcial leg after the operation,it will not be too much difference compared with before if you recover well.
护士: 是的,失去一条腿,无论从肉体上还是心理上都将很痛苦。但是想想这是为了保全生命,保持家庭的完整,只好忍痛接受这一残酷的事实。何况还可以装假肢,如果恢复得好和原来相比不会有太多变化的。
Patient: Is there any recurrence of the cancer after amputation?
病人: 截肢后癌细胞还会复发吗?
Nurse: It can be prevented if you continue to have chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
护士: 只要坚持化疗和放疗应该可以预防复发的。
Patient: It seems that I really don’t have many choice. After hearing what you have said,it seems there is some hope for me. Thank you.
病人: 看来也只好这样了。听你讲了这么多,我似乎又有了希望,谢谢你。