30.Vertebrobasilar Artery Insuffciency椎基底动脉供血不足
Examiner: What kind of discomfort do you have?
检查者: 你有什么不舒服?
Patient: I feel dizzy especially when changing body positions.
病人: 我头晕,尤其是体位改变时明显。
Examiner: How long have you been like this?
检查者: 这种情况有多久了?
Patient: Two or three days.
病人: 有两三天了。
Examiner: Lie down on the bed please. I’ll examine you.
检查者: 请躺在检查床上。我给你检查一下。
Patient: What’s my condition?
病人: 我的情况怎么样?
Examiner: Your internal carotid artery system is normal. Get up slowly and sit down please.Let me check your vertebrobasilar artery.
检查者: 你的颈内动脉系统检查正常。你慢慢起床,坐在这儿。我再检查椎基底动脉。
Patient: Oh,I am feeling dizzy now.
病人: 哦,我现在正头晕呢。
Examiner: Take it easy. Let me help you. Do you feel better now?
检查者: 别紧张,让我扶你一下。现在感觉好些了吗?
Patient: Yes. Thanks.
病人: 好点儿了。谢谢。
Examiner: I will give you a neck rotation test.
检查者: 我要给你进行转颈试验。
Patient: What should I do?
病人: 你看我该怎么做呢?
Examiner: Relax. Don’t be nervous.
检查者: 你放松,别紧张。
Patient: What’s the result?
病人: 检查结果如何?
Examiner: It is insuffciency of blood supply from the vertebral artery.
检查者: 是椎动脉供血不足。
Patient: Thank you.
病人: 谢谢你。
Examiner: You are welcome. Please see a doctor for treatment. I hope you have a quick recovery.
检查者: 不客气。去看医生,接受治疗,祝早日康复。