22.Quit Smoking戒烟
Nurse: Hello,Mr. Pang,you’re such a hard worker. You’re sill working even in the hospital.
护士: 庞先生,您真勤奋,住院了还忘不了办公。
Patient: I can’t help it. Since I’ve been sick,the company hasn’t been able to function normally. As you see,there are so many documents that haven’t been read for the past three days.
病人: 没办法,我这一倒,公司的运作都成了问题,你看三天的文件都等着我批。
Nurse: So your health is very important. Because of the myocardial infarction,you must get suffcient rest otherwise your prognosis will be affected.
护士: 所以,你的健康是很重要的。不过,得了心肌梗死,关键是休息,不然对你的预后影响很大。
Patient: Yes,I know that. But I so busy. I have no time to rest and have to smoke two packs of cigarettes to work through the night. I don’t know what I should do now I’m suffering from this disease.
病人: 我也知道,可我生意忙,应酬多,往往是两包烟就熬上一个通宵。得了这病以后不知怎么办!
Nurse: I understand. But this kind of lifestyle is not good for your health. Smoking can increase the rate of sudden death in coronary heart disease(CHD)by ffty percent. Fat and high calorie foods,which you usually eat,also increase the risk of early CHD.
护士: 我理解,但是你以前的生活方式都是不利于健康的。吸烟将促使冠心病猝死的危险性增高50%,而长期高脂、高热量饮食也是导致冠心病早发的危险因素。
Patient:(Surprised)Really? Before,I only thought smoking could be harmful to the lung. I didn’t know it was so harmful to the heart.
Nurse: In addition to affecting the heart,lung and stomach,smoking can also endanger the people around you.
护士: 吸烟的危害可涉及心、肺、胃。同时,你吸烟还会造成周围人被动吸烟,危及他人。
Patient: Wow! I’m not only hurting myself but also hurting everyone else around me. I must give up smoking.
病人: 哇!那我可不是害人又害己了,我一定要把烟戒了。