19.Acute Hepatitis急性肝炎
Patient: I will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. I know that patients suffering from hepatitis need a lot of rest. But I don’t know how long I should rest before I can work normally?
病人: 我明天要出院了。我知道得了肝炎要多休息,不知道要休息多长时间才能正常上班?
Nurse: Congratulations,you certainly need to pay attention to rest after leaving the hospital.You should pay attention to both physical and mental rest. You should increase the time for rest and decrease the consumption of physical strength to relieve the burden of your liver.
护士: 恭喜你可以出院了。出院以后你的确要注意休息,包括精神休息和身体休息。要增加休息时间,减轻体力消耗,减轻肝脏负担。
Patient: What is a mental rest?
病人: 什么是精神休息呢?
Nurse: Mental rest means that mentally you should relax and maintain a peaceful mind. Set aside your offce work,study,housework,and social activities temporarily.
护士: 精神休息就是说你的精神要放松,心情要平和。工作、学习、家务、人际方面的事情要暂时放开。
Patient: Without work,study,social activities,life would become very boring.
病人: 不工作、不学习、不交际,岂不是很闷。
Nurse: Life wouldn’t be very boring. You could listen to music,keep a diary or do light weight gardening. But you must not do things that will preoccupy yourself excessively,such as chatting on line,playing card games,playing game machines,etc.
护士: 不会啊,你可以听听音乐、写写日记、养养花草。但是精神过分集中的事情不要做,比如上网聊天、打牌、玩游戏机等。
Patient: OK. What should I pay attention to the physical rest?
病人: 好的。那么身体方面的休息要注意些什么呢?
Nurse: You are suffering from acute hepatitis. Ninety fve percent of patients with this disease can be cured according to the statistics. However,excessive fatigue and inadequate sleep will influence the recovery. So at least for the first month after you leave the hospital,you must rest at home. You must not go to work. Your life must be regular.After one month you can do some moderate work such as washing dishes,dusting and tiding the room. If your job workload is not very heavy,you may try to work. At the beginning you could work for half a day and gradually restore full-time job according to your recovery condition. If your workload is heavy,then you should consult with your supervisor to temporarily shift you to an easier job. You must avoid excessive fatigue in the frst six months after you leave the hospital.
护士: 你患的是急性肝炎。据统计,95%的急性肝炎能治愈,但是过度劳累、睡眠不足都会影响恢复。所以你出院后至少一个月内要在家休息,不能上班,生活要有规律。一个月后可以做一些力所能及的事情,如洗碗、擦灰、整理房间等。如果你上班的工作量不是很大,你可以试着去工作,从半天开始,根据身体状况逐渐恢复至全天工作。如果上班工作量较大,你最好去跟领导商量,暂时更换一个较轻松的岗位。在出院后的半年内,一定要避免过度劳累。
Patient: OK. I will consult with my boss. He is quite nice.
病人: 好的,我去跟领导说说,他是很有人情味的。
Nurse: Another important thing is you must have midday nap which should last about 30 minutes to one and half an hour. This is the best method to relieve fatigue and restore physical strength. Furthermore,it is better to turn to your right side,and maintain a 45 degree angle while you sleep.
护士: 还有一点很重要,就是在你恢复期内,要尽量安排午睡,这是解除疲劳、恢复体力的极佳方法。午睡时间以0.5~1.5小时为好。另外,睡觉以右侧卧位为宜,使身体与床面成45度角。
Patient: Why?
病人: 为什么呢?
Nurse: Because this lying position puts the liver under the celiac artery and allows the blood to fow down to the liver. It is more benefcial for the transport of nutritious substance from artery to the liver.
护士: 因为这种卧位使肝脏位于腹腔动脉的下方。动脉血液走下行路线流向肝脏,这对动脉血为肝脏输送营养物质十分有利。
Nurse: Mr. Zhang,how do you feel today? How is your appetite?
护士: 老张,你今天感觉怎么样?胃口好吗?
Patient: Well,my appetite today is better than the last couple of days. My wife stewed a turtle for me for lunch and I ate the whole thing. She is going to prepare some tasty food for me this evening as well.
病人: 今天感觉不错,胃口比前两天好多了。中午家里给我炖了一只小甲鱼,我一口气就把它吃光了。晚上我太太准备再给我做些好吃的来。
Nurse: Is that right! Your wife is so nice.
护士: 是吗?你太太真贤惠。
Patient: Yes,my disease has made her suffer very much. She has to work and takes care of me.How long do I have to stay in the hospital? If it’s too long,my wife will become sick due to the hard work.
病人: 是的,我这次生病可苦了她了,除了上班还要跑医院。我这病还需住院多长时间?长此以往我太太要累垮的。
Nurse: Take it easy,Mr. Zhang,so far you have only been here for one week. Your doctor is treating you with the best program. An important thing I need to repeat is that your disease is still in the progress stage. Your food should be very light and too much fat is no good. Supplement of nutrition is good,but at the present time you’d better not eat food containing high protein such as turtles,ells,eggs etc. After you have recovered and the index of your liver function is normal you may then be supplemented with protein.
护士: 老张,你别心急。你住院还不到一个星期,医生正在用最好的方案给你治疗。不过有一点我要跟你重申一下,目前你的疾病处于发展阶段,饮食要清淡不宜太油腻,增加营养固然是好的,但目前不要进食太多高蛋白食物,像甲鱼、鳗鱼、鸡蛋等暂时不要吃,等你的病慢慢恢复了,肝功能指标正常了,再适当补充蛋白质好吗?
Patient: Oh,I forgot what you had told me before. I will not eat those food for now.
病人: 噢!我忘了你跟我说过的了,那我暂时先不吃了。
Nurse: This is very important. You must keep it in mind. You haven’t had bowel movement for two days,so you should eat some fruits and vegetables rich in fber such as celery,and cane shoot etc. You should also drink proper amount of water. In addition,you may massage your abdomen area around the belly button in a clockwise direction three times a day,fve to ten minutes each time,this can promote bowel movement. I will also ask your doctor to prescribe some medicine for your bowel movement.
护士: 这一点非常重要,你务必要牢记。这两天你没有解大便,可以吃一些粗纤维的蔬菜和水果,譬如芹菜、茭白等。适当多喝点水。还有,每天可在脐周顺时针方向按摩3次,每次5~10分钟,这样可以促进排便。我会请医生开一些促进排便的药物给你。
Patient: Thank you,Miss Wu. I will ask my wife to cook some vegetable dishes tonight.
病人: 谢谢你,小吴护士,今天晚上我让太太烧些蔬菜来。