Unit 3
Text I
1.sedate [si 5deit] adj. tending to avoid excitement or great activity and to be calm and relaxed镇定的;泰然的;不慌不忙的:We followed the youngsters at a more sedate pace.我们跟在年轻人后面,步子稍慢一点。 v. to give someone drugs to make them calm or to make them sleep给…服镇静剂:Most of the patients are heavily sedated.多数病人服了大剂量镇静药。
2.venerable [5venErEbl] adj. deserving respect because of age, high position or religious or historical importance(因年高、显要、智慧等)令人尊重的;值得敬重的;受敬佩的:The cathedral is a venerable building.主教座堂是神圣庄严的建筑。
3.debonair [7debE5nZE] adj. carefree and happy; (especially of men) charming, confident and carefully dressed(通常指男人)愉快而自信的:He strolled about, look very debonair in his elegant new suit.他穿了一身讲究的新衣服逛来逛去,显得颇为惬意。
4.cappuccino [kApJ5tFi:nEJ] n. coffee mixed or topped with steamed milk or cream 卡布奇诺咖啡
5.eccentric [ik5sentrik] adj. unconventional and slightly strange古怪的,怪癖的;异乎寻常的:She is so eccentric that she is regarded as a bit of a curiosity.她非常古怪,算是个奇人。
6.curb [kE:b] n. a) a line of raised stones separating the footpath from the road侧石,边石:The boy sat on the curb and watched the cars go by.那个男孩坐在马路边石上看过往的车辆。b) to restrain and limit限制,克制,抑制:She put a curb on her spending.她限制自己的消费。
7.habituate [hE5bitjueit] v. to accustom by frequent repetition or prolonged exposure使习惯于:One can habituate oneself to living alone, though rarely with any pleasure.虽然独自一人生活很少会有乐趣,但还是可以习惯的。
8.unfurl [Qn5fE:l] v. to spread or open out展开,张开,铺开:Unfurl the banners, put on your armour. Let the fighting commence.展开旗帜,穿上战甲,开始战斗。
9.contortion [kEn5tC:FEn] n. movement of the body or face into an unusual shape or position扭曲,弄歪;歪曲:to make a sharp contortion of the face.做鬼脸做出脸部极端扭曲的动作
10.ludicrous [5lu:dikrEs] adj. causing laughter; very foolish, ridiculous荒唐的;不合理的;不能当真的:Grandpa looks absolutely ludicrous in old sunhat.外公戴着一顶老式遮阳帽显得滑稽可笑。
11.extravagant [iks5trAvE^Ent] adj. a) exceeding what is reasonable or appropriate奢侈的;挥霍的;铺张浪费的:Don’t be so extravagant, spend your money more carefully.不要如此挥霍,花钱要仔细点。b) if someone makes extravagant claims, promises etc, they make big claims or promises that are not true or real(想法或言行)无节制的;过分的;放肆的;不切实际的:He is extravagant in behavior.他行为放肆。
12.squash [skwCF] n. a game played with rackets and a small softish hollow rubber hall, in a court enclosed by walls and a roof(软式)墙网球,壁球:I sweated off ten pounds in a week by playing squash every day.我每天打壁球,一个星期体重减轻了十磅。 v. to press something into a flatter shape, often breaking or damaging it将(某人[某物])压扁,压烂,挤碎:I sat on my hat and squashed it.我坐在自己的帽子上,把它给压扁了。
13.treadmill [5tredmIl] n. a) an exercise machine consisting of a wheel with steps around its edge or a continuous moving belt(锻炼身体的)跑步机,走步机:The treadmill has a heart rate monitor.跑步机上有个脉搏监视器。b) work or a way of life that seems very boring because you always have to do the same things枯燥无味的工作〔生活方式〕:the treadmill of working in the office办公室中枯燥的工作
14.calorie [5kAlEri] n. a measure used when stating the amount of hear or energy卡路里:Coca-Cola introduced the first low calorie soft drink, “TAB.”可口可乐首先投放了低热量的饮料“TAB”。
15.pedestrian [pe5destriEn] n. a person walking (especially in a street used by cars) 行人;步行者:The pedestrian stopped at the curbside.那个行人停在路边。
16.motel [mEu5tel] v. a hotel especially built for traveling tourists汽车旅馆:All the motels lie beside the road.所有的汽车旅馆都位于公路旁边。
17.dodge [dCdV] v. to avoid (a blow) by moving or shifting quickly aside闪躲;闪开;躲开;避开:He dodged cleverly when she threw her shoe at him.她用鞋子砸向他时,他机敏地闪开了。
18.exasperate [i^5zB:spEreit] v. to make very angry or impatient; to annoy greatly激怒,触怒:We were exasperated at his ill behavior.我们对他的恶劣行为感到非常恼怒。
19.negotiate [ni5^EuFieit] v. a) to get over or past successfully通过,越过(险要路段):A race in which competitors must negotiate obstacles.竞争者必须越过障碍的赛跑。b) to discuss something in order to reach an agreement, especially in business or politics谈判;磋商;协商;议定;商定;达成协议:The government negotiated with the opposition party over the new law.政府就新法与反对党进行了协商。
20.esthetically [i:s5WetikEli] adv. relating to the enjoyment or study of beauty美学地,美学上地:Esthetically, it is of beauty of both simplicity and complexity. 从美学上讲,它既具有简单性美,又具有复杂性美。
21.triumph [5traiEmf] n. great achievement or success胜利,成功:The victorious army returned in triumph.获胜的部队凯旋而归。
22.anew [E5nju:] adv. again or one more time, especially in a different way再,重新:He’s determined to begin his life anew.他决心重新开始他的生活。
Text II
1.insane [in5sein] adj. very foolish and absurd蠢极的,非常愚蠢的,荒唐的:If he were insane, he was a very cool and collected insanity.如果他发了疯,他也是个非常冷静和镇定的疯子。
2.paradoxical [7pArE5dCksikEl] adj. a situation that seems strange because it involves two ideas or qualities that are very different自相矛盾的,似是而非的:It’s paradoxical that in such a rich country there can be so much poverty.这么富裕的国家中还有那么多贫困现象,真是自相矛盾。
3.aesthetic [i:s5Wetik] adj. a) connected with beauty and the study of beauty有关美的,美学的:From an esthetic point of view, it’s a nice design.从美学角度来看,这个设计很不错。b) elegant and pleased to eye悦目的,雅致的:That armchair is comfortable but not very aesthetic.那张扶手椅坐起来舒服,但不太美观。
4.innumerable [i5nju:mErEbl] adj. too numerous to be counted; numberless无数的,数量大而数不清的:Innumerable companies were set up in this area.这个地区建立了无数家公司。
5.exaltation [7e^zC:l5teiFEn] n. the very strong feeling of happiness兴奋,雀跃,得意洋洋:He was obviously in a state of exaltation.十分明显,他又得意忘形了。
6.mass [mAs] n. a) a large amount of a substance which does not have a definite or regular shape(聚成一体的)团,块,堆,群,片:The aircraft came down in flames, and the heat fused most of the parts together into a solid mass.飞机冒着火坠落了,大多数部件因高温而熔成一团。b) a large amount or quantity of something大批,大量,众多:I have masses of work to do.我有大量工作要做。c) all the ordinary people in society who do not have power or influence平民,群众,大批人群:The masses have boundless creative power.群众有无限的创造力。
7.preconceived [pri(:)7kEn5si:vd] adj. be formed before you really have enough knowledge or experience预先的,先入为主的:Every question was a trap, a contrived progression towards a preconceived conclusion.每个问题都是一个陷阱,事先策划好了,一步一步达到早已作出的结论。
8.constituent [kEn5stitjuEnt] n. a) a part or a component成分,一个构成部分:Hydrogen and oxygen are the constituents of water.氢和氧是水的主要成分。b) someone who votes in a particular area选民:The minister’s constituents feel that he does not spend enough time dealing with their problems.选民认为那位部长并没有花上足够的时间去处理他们的问题。
9.arbitrary [5B:bitrEri] adj. a) determined by chance, whim or impulse, and not by necessity, reason or principle任意的:How shallow were the arbitrary definitions of ordinary psychologists! 一般心理学家那些任意下的定义多浅薄啊!b) imperious and dictatorial专横的,独断的:A good judge does not make arbitrary decisions.一个优秀的法官不会作武断的判决。
10.climax [5klaimAks] n. the most exciting or important part of a story or experience, which usually comes near the end顶点,高潮:The climax of the book happens in Egypt.该故事的高潮发生在埃及。
11.contemporary [kEn5tempErEri] n. one of the same time or age同龄人,同一时代的人:Shelley and Keats were contemporaries.雪莱和济慈是同一时代的人。 adj. a) belonging to the present time当代的;现代的:life in contemporary Britain当代英国的生活;contemporary fiction/music/dance当代小说/音乐/舞蹈;b) happening or done in the same period of time同时代的,同属一个时期的:The telephone and the gramophone were contemporary.电话和留声机是同一时代的产物。