Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death

Give me liberty or give me death.— Patrick Henry
For you
People without liberty are like slaves. Maybe some people had been accustomed to the life without freedom, but others could not live without it. 没有自由的人如同奴隶。也许有些人已经习惯了没有自由的生活,但还有一些人没有自由就不能活。

Words and Phrases
liberty [ˈlɪbətɪ] n. 自由;自由权
death [deθ] n. 死,死亡
dying [ˈdaɪɪŋ] adj. 垂死的,临终的
death [deθ] n. 死亡
dead [ded] adj. 死的
accustomed [əˈkʌstəmd] adj. 习惯了的;通常的
be accustomed to 习惯于
Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel.— Patrick Henry
For you
The public liberty is the most precious for the people, but it is also easy to be harmed. So everyone should remain vigilant and keep away everything suspioious. 公众的自由是最宝贵的,却也是极易受到侵害的。所以,我们每个人都要保持警惕,阻挡一切可疑事物。
Words and Phrases
jealous [ˈdʊelʊs] adj. 嫉妒的;唯恐失去的;戒备的
suspect [sʊsˈpekt] v. 怀疑;猜想 doubt [daʊt] v. 怀疑,不相信
approach [ʊˈprʊʊtʊ] v. 靠近;接近 jewel [ˈdʊu:ʊl] n. 宝石;珍宝
jewellery [ˈdʊu:ʊlrʊ] n. 珠宝;首饰 jewelled [ˈdʊu:ʊld] adj. 镶有宝石的
Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere.— Franklin D. Roosevelt
For you
Freedom is the foundation of all other human rights. Without it, the people are nothing but the rulers’ slaves. 自由是其他一切人权的基础。没有自由,人民只是统治者的奴隶。
Words and Phrases
supremacy [su:ˈpreməsɪ] n. 至高无上;霸权
supreme [su:ˈpri:m] adj. 至高无上的
sovereign [ˈsɒvrɪn] adj. 独立自主的 n. 君主;最高统治者
sovereignty [ˈsɒvrəntɪ] n. 最高统治权
supremacist [su:ˈpreməsɪst] n. 种族优越论者;(通常指)白人至上主义者
human [ˈhju:mən] n. 人,人类 adj. 人类的
human right 人权 human being 人类
A liberal is a man who uses his legs and his hands at the behest—at the command—of his head.— Franklin D. Roosevelt
For you
What is liberty? It is just the right to do as you choose. 自由是什么?自由就是按照自己的选择做事的权利。
Words and Phrases
liberal [ˈlɪbərəl] n. 自由主义者 adj. 自由主义的;慷慨的
behest [bɪˈhest] n. 命令;请求
command [kəˈmɑ:nd] n.& v. 指挥;命令
commandant [ˈkɒməndænt] n. 司令官;指挥官
commander [kəˈmɑ:ndə(r)] n. 司令官;指挥官
commander-in-chief [kəˈmændə ɪn tʃi:f] n. 总司令
commanding [kəˈmɑ:ndɪŋ] adj. 指挥的;威风凛凛的

Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.— Martin Luther King, Jr.
Words and Phrases
voluntarily [ˈvɒləntrəlɪ] adv. 志愿地;自动地,自发地
oppressor [əˈpresə] n. 压制者,压迫者
oppressed [əˈprest] adj. 被压迫的
have mercy on 对……怜悯
domination [ˌdɒmɪˈneɪʃn] n. 统治;支配
constantly [ˈkɒnstəntlɪ] adv. 不断地;时常地
For you
The oppressed should never expect that the oppressors would have mercy on them and give up their domination voluntarily.Freedom is obtained by constantly struggling. 受压迫者永远莫要期望统治者良心发现,而主动放弃他们的权力。只有通过不断的斗争,才能获得自由。
Our goal is freedom, and I believe we are going to get there because however much she strays away from it, the goal of America is freedom.— Martin Luther King, Jr.
For you
If we insist on the goal of freedom, and go forward in the direction of it, no matter how far away from us it is, we will get there in the end. 如果我们坚持自由的目标,并且朝着它不断前进,那么无论自由离我们有多远,我们终将能够到达。
Words and Phrases
goal [gəʊl] n. 目标;终点
stray [streɪ] n. 走失的家畜;流浪者 adj. 迷途的;偏离的 v. 迷路;偏离
stray away from 走失;偏离
insist on 坚持;强调 in the direction of 朝……方向
From every mountainside, let freedom ring.— Martin Luther King, Jr.
For you
Martin Luther King was a prominent leader of the African-American Civil Rights Movement. He devoted all his life to the cause of fighting for the blacks’rights. His great spirit will be remembered by people for ever. 马丁·路德·金是美国黑人民权运动的杰出领袖。他一生都致力于为黑人争取权利的事业。他的崇高的精神将永远被人们铭记。
Words and Phrases
mountainside [ˈmaʊntʊnsaʊd] n. 山腰;山坡 mountainous [ˈmaʊntənəs] adj. 多山的
mountaintop [ˈmaʊntʊntʊp] n. 山顶
mountaineer [ˌmaʊntəˈnɪə(r)] n. 登山者;登山运动员
mountaineering [ˌmaʊntʊˈnʊʊrʊʊ] n. 登山运动
prominent [ˈprɒmɪnənt] adj. 杰出的;卓越的 prominently [ˈprʊmʊnʊntlʊ] adv. 显著地
prominence [ˈprɒmɪnəns] n. 卓越 remarkable [rʊˈmʊ:kʊbl] adj. 非凡的;引人注目的

As long as the mind is enslaved, the body can never be free.— Martin Luther King, Jr.
For you
Men's behavior is guided by their mind. If a man is a slave in spirit, he couldn't do anything according to his own will. In that way, he is not different from a slave. 人们的行为是由思想主导的。如果一个人在精神上是奴隶,那么他也就不可能按照自己的意愿做任何事情。这样的人,与奴隶无异。
Words and Phrases
as long as 只要
mind [maɪnd] n. 头脑;精神;心
mental [ˈmentl] adj. 智力的;思想的
mental age 智力年龄
We shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.— John F. Kennedy
For you
Liberty is so precious that it is worthwhile for us to pursue it with our lives. In order to establish a free country, those martyrs experienced numerous difficulties and even sacrificed their lives. 自由是如此可贵,值得我们用生命去追求。为了建立一个自由的国度,我们的先烈们经历了无数的苦难,甚至献出了自己的生命。
Words and Phrases
foe [fʊʊ] n. 敌人;反对者 enemy [ˈenʊmʊ] n. 敌人;敌军
assure [ʊˈʊʊʊ(r)] v. 使确信;确保 survival [səˈvaɪvl] n. 幸存;生存
worthwhile [ˌwʊ:ʊˈwaʊl] adj. 值得做的 worthy [ˈwɜ:ðɪ] adj. 有价值的;值得的
martyr [ˈmʊ:tʊ(r)] n. 烈士;殉道者 martyrdom [ˈmɑ:tədəm] n. 殉难;殉道

Freedom is indivisible, and when one man is enslaved, all are not free.— John F. Kennedy
自由是不可分割的,一人被奴役,所有人都不得自由。 ——约翰·肯尼迪
For you
The foundation of freedom is the conviction that everyone is equal. If there is one man enslaved, the conviction will be ruined, and freedom will become a pipe dream. 自由的基础就是人人平等的信念。倘若有一人被奴役,那么这一信条就不能成立,自由也就成了空想。
Words and Phrases
indivisible [ˌɪndɪˈvɪzəbl] adj. 不可分割的;不可分裂的
divisible [dɪˈvɪzəbl] adj. 可分割的;可除尽的
enslave [ɪnˈsleɪv] v. 束缚;征服;使做奴隶
conviction [kənˈvɪkʃn] n. 坚信;信服;确信
pipe dream 白日梦;空想

The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission.— John F. Kennedy
For you
In order to gain freedom, we can endure poverty and hardship. After all, it is much better to live freely than live under great oppression. 为了获得自由,我们可以忍受贫穷和苦难。毕竟,自由地活着要比在残酷的压迫下生活要好太多。
Words and Phrases
surrender [səˈrendə] v. 投降;放弃;屈服于 n. 投降
submission [səbˈmɪʃn] n. 投降;服从;屈服
oppression [əˈpreʃn] n. 压迫;压抑
oppressed [əˈprest] adj. 被压迫的,受迫害的

I leave you, hoping that the lamp of liberty will burn in your bosoms until there shall no longer be a doubt that all men are created free and equal.— Abraham Lincoln
For you
Only when everyone has the belief that all men are created free and equal,may it is possible to realize real freedom. 只有人人都怀着“人们生来自由平等”的信念,我们才有可能实现真正的自由。
Words and Phrases
lamp [læmp] n. 灯;台灯 desk lamp 台灯
lamplight [ˈlæmplaʊt] n. 灯光 lamp post 路灯柱;灯杆
gaslamp [ˈgæslæmp] n. 煤气灯
bosom [ˈbʊzəm] n. 胸怀;内心;胸部
chest [tʊest] n. 胸部 no longer 不再
America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.— Abraham Lincoln
For you
If our will is strong enough, no enemy can defeat us. But if we doubt ourselves or our determination wavers, we will fail even without enemies. 如果我们的信念足够坚定,就没有敌人能够打败我们。但是如果我们怀疑自己,或是我们的决心动摇了,那么即使没有敌人,我们也会失败。
Words and Phrases
destroy [dʊˈstrʊʊ] v. 破坏;消灭 destroyer [dɪˈstrɔɪə(r)] n. 驱逐舰;阻止者
destruction [dɪˈstrʌkʃn] n. 破坏;毁灭 destructive [dɪˈstrʌktɪv] adj. 破坏性的;有害的
destructively [dʊˈstrʊktʊvlʊ] adv. 破坏地;狼狈地 falter [ˈfɔ:ltə] v. 动摇;迟疑
freedom [ˈfri:dʊm] n. 自由;自主 waver [ˈweɪvə(r)] v. 动摇;犹豫

Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves.— Abraham Lincoln
那些剥夺别人自由的人自己也不配得到自由。— 亚伯拉罕·林肯
For you
Freedom is not the privilege of some people. It should be given to everyone.Only in this way can it survive and last long. 自由不是某些人的特权。应当给予每个人自由,只有如此,自由才能够永存。
Words and Phrases
deny [dɪˈnaɪ] v. 否定;拒绝给予
deserve [dɪˈzɜ:v] v. 应受,应得
privilege [ˈprɪvəlɪdʒ] n. 特权
privileged [ˈprɪvəlɪdʒd] adj. 有特权的
prerogative [prɪˈrɒgətɪv] n. 特权;权利
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.— Ronald Wilson Reagan
For you
Nobody is born with freedom. If you want to get it, you have to fight for and protect it throughout your life. 自由的权利不是天生的。如果你想得到自由,你就要为自由而战,并终生保卫自由。
Words and Phrases
extinction [ɪkˈstɪŋkʃn] n. 消失;消灭
extinct [ʊkˈstʊʊkt] adj. 灭绝的 ecocide [ˈi:kəʊsaɪd] n. 生态灭绝
die out 灭绝,消失 bloodstream [ˈblʌdˌstri:m] n. 血流
fight for 为……而战 hand on 转交;传递下去
We can’t impose freedom, but we can eliminate roadblocks to freedom, and to allow free societies to develop .— George W. Bush
For you
It is a long journey to realize real freedom. Maybe we couldn’t get to the destination in our lifetime, but it is worthwhile for us to fight for it all our lives. 实现真正的自由是一个漫长的过程。也许我们此生都不能到达终点,但它仍然值得我们为之奋斗终生。
Words and Phrases
impose [ʊmˈpʊʊz] v. 强加;征税 eliminate [ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt] v. 消除;排除
expulsion [ʊkˈspʊlʊn] n. 开除;驱逐 roadblock [ˈrəʊdblɒk] n. 路障;障碍物
barricade [ˌbærɪˈkeɪd] n. 路障,街垒 signpost [ˈsaɪnpəʊst] n. 路标 v. 设置路标
destination [ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn] n. 目的地;终点
I believe that God has planted in every human heart the desire to live in freedom.— George W. Bush
我相信上帝已经在每个人的心里种下了渴望自由的种子。 ——乔治·布什
For you
The desire to live in freedom is like a seed that was planted in people’s hearts. Once it is sown, it will take root and sprout rapidly and become a big tree at last. 对自由的渴望就像是植入人们心田的一粒种子,一旦种下去,就会迅速生根发芽,直到长成一棵大树。
Words and Phrases
plant [plɑ:nt] v. 种植;播种
sow [səʊ] v. 播种
sower [ˈsəʊə(r)] n. 播种机;播种者
sprout [spraʊt] v. 发芽,长芽
bean sprout 豆芽

The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance.— John Philpot Curran
上帝给予人类自由的条件就是要永远保持警惕。 ——约翰·菲尔波特·柯伦
For you
Liberty is not eternal. It can be violated by human’s greediness at any time.We have to be always vigilant lest it should be ruined. 自由并不是永恒的。它随时都可能被人类的贪婪侵犯。我们必须时刻保持警惕,否则它就会被毁灭。
Words and Phrases
hath [hæʊ] v. (古)等于hhaass eternal [ɪˈtɜ:nl] adj. 永恒的;不朽的
eternally [ɪˈtɜ:nəlɪ] adv. 不朽地;永久地
eternity [ɪˈtɜ:nətɪ] n. 永恒;来世;不朽
vigilance [ˈvʊdʊʊlʊns] n. 警戒,警惕 violate [ˈvaɪəleɪt] v. 违反;侵害
violation [ˌvaɪəˈleɪʃn] n. 违反,违背;妨碍
violator [ˈvaɪəleɪtə(r)] n. 违反者,违背者;妨碍者
greediness [ˈgri:dʊnʊs] n. 贪吃;贪欲 lest [lest] conj. 唯恐;以免
Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it; no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it.— Billings Learned Hand
For you
Liberty can only be safeguarded by people’s will and effort. Even if it is written into the constitution, it is possible to be changed as well as the constitution. 只有人类的意志和努力才能捍卫自由。自由即使被写进宪法,也可能连同宪法一起被修改。
Words and Phrases
constitution [ˌkɒnstɪˈtju:ʃn] n. 宪法;章程;体质
constitutional [ˌkɒnstɪˈtju:ʃənl] adj 宪法的,章程的
constitutionalism [ˌkɒnstɪˈtju:ʃənəlɪzəm] n. 立宪主义
constitutionality [ˌkɒnstɪˌtju:ʃəˈnælətɪ] n. 符合宪法
court [kɔ:t] n. 法院;庭院;宫廷
courthouse [ˌkɔ:tˈhaus] n. 法院大楼
court of law 法庭;法院 courtroom [ˈkɔ:tru:m] n. 法庭,审判室
court of inquiry 调查法庭 as well as 也;和……一样

Of course, there are dangers in religious freedom and freedom of opinion. But to deny these rights is worse than dangerous, it is absolutely fatal to liberty.— Harry S. Truman
当然,宗教和观念自由可能会带来危险,但剥夺它们则会令自由死亡。——哈里·S. 杜鲁门
For you
We shouldn’t deny freedom for any potential dangers, just like we shouldn’t give up eating for fear of choking. 我们不应该为某些潜在的危险而否定自由,就像我们不能因噎废食。
Words and Phrases
religious [rɪˈlɪdʒəs] adj. 宗教的;虔诚的
absolutely [ˈæbsəlu:tlɪ] adv. 绝对地;完全地
fatal [ˈfeʊtl] adj. 致命的;毁灭性的 fatally [ˈfeɪtəlɪ] adv. 致命地;毁灭性地
fatalism [ˈfeʊtʊlʊzʊm] n. 宿命论 potential [pəˈtenʃl] adj. 潜在的;可能的
starve [stʊ:v] v. 挨饿 choke [tʃəʊk] v. 窒息;阻塞
Liberty is the condition of progress. Without Liberty, there remains only barbarism. Without Liberty, there can be no civilization.— Robert G. Ingersoll
自由是进步的前提。没有自由,世界就还是蛮荒状态。没有自由,就没有文明。——罗伯特·G. 英格索尔
For you
In the long history, humans have never stopped fighting for liberty. It is just the struggles for liberty that have promoted the progress of human society. 在漫长的历史过程中,人类从未停止过对自由的争取。正是这些为争取自由所付出的努力推动了人类社会的进步。
Words and Phrases
condition [kʊnˈdʊʊn] n. 条件;情况 conditional [kənˈdɪʃənl] adj. 附带条件的
conditioning [kʊnˈdʊʊʊnʊʊ] n. 条件作用 barbarism [ˈbɑ:bərɪzəm] n. 野蛮;暴行;未开化
barbarian [bʊ:ˈbeʊrʊʊn] n. 野蛮人,原始人 barbarity [bɑ:ˈbærətɪ] n. 残暴;暴行
civilization [ˌsɪvəlaɪˈzeɪʃn] n. 文明;文化

The history of liberty is a history of resistance.— Woodrow Wilson
For you
No resistance, no liberty. It was as the result of the brave resistance to oppression and autarchy that people won liberty step by step. 没有反抗,就没有自由。正是由于人们勇敢地反抗压迫和独裁,人们才一步步地赢得了自由。
Words and Phrases
as the result of 作为……的结果;由于
autarchy [ˈɔ:tɑ:kɪ] n. 专制;独裁
step by step 逐步地
Liberty, when it begins to take root, is a plant of rapid growth.— George Washington
For you
Liberty is like sunshine. Before we see it, we can endure darkness; but once it shines on us, we could not endure darkness any more. 自由就像是阳光。当我们没有见过阳光的时候,我们能够忍受黑暗;可是一旦我们沐浴过阳光,我们就再也无法忍受黑暗了。
Words and Phrases
take root 生根;扎根
endure [ɪnˈdjʊə(r)] v. 忍受,忍耐
patient [ˈpeɪʃnt] adj. 有耐心的;能容忍的
patience [ˈpeɪʃns] n. 耐心;忍耐

Let us therefore animate and encourage each other, and show the world that a free man, contending for his liberty on his own ground,is superior to any slavish mercenary on earth.— George Washington
让我们相互鼓舞,向世界证明:一个自由的人,一个在自己的国土上为自由而战的人,是决不会屈服于世界上任何盲从的雇佣兵的。 ——乔治·华盛顿
For you
God will give infinite courage to the man who contends for liberty and make him go forward and clear all the evil and unfairness from the world. 一个为自由而战的人,上帝将赋予他无限的勇气,使他能够勇往直前,扫清世间一切的邪恶和不公正。
Words and Phrases
animate [ˈænʊmeʊt] v. 鼓励 contend [kənˈtend] v. 斗争;竞争
slavish [ˈsleɪvɪʃ] adj. 奴隶似的;奴性的;盲从的
mercenary [ˈmɜ:sənərɪ] n. 唯利是图者;雇佣兵
It will be found an unjust and unwise jealousy to deprive a man of his natural liberty upon the supposition he may abuse it.— George Washington
Words and Phrases
jealousy [ˈdʒeləsɪ] n. 嫉妒;猜忌
supposition [ˌsʌpəˈzɪʃn] n. 假设;猜测;推想
presupposition [ˌpri:sʌpəˈzɪʃn] n. 假定;预想;前提
For you
God bestows natural liberty on everyone, but he has never given any people the power to deprive others of their liberty. Those who do it at their own have betrayed God. 上帝赋予每个人自由的权利,却不曾给予任何人剥夺他人自由的权力。那些随意剥夺他人自由的人已经背叛了上帝。
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.— Dwight D. Eisenhower
历史证明,自由在弱者或懦夫的手里不会长久。 ——德怀特·D. 艾森豪威尔
For you
Freedom needs to be protected with all our efforts. If we are too weak or timid, we will lose it in the end. 自由需要我们拼尽全力去保卫。倘若我们太软弱或怯懦,我们将会失去自由。
Words and Phrases
entrust [ɪnˈtrʌst] v. 委托;付托
trust [trʌst] n. 信任;信托;信托财产
trusteeship [trʌˈsti:ʃɪp] n. 托管制度
timid [ˈtɪmɪd] adj. 胆小的;羞怯的
timidity [tɪˈmɪdətɪ] n. 胆小,怯懦

The best way to enhance freedom in other lands is to demonstrate here that our democratic system is worthy of emulation.— Jimmy Carter
For you
If others don’t think freedom is very important, it is because that they haven’t seen the benefits of freedom. What we should do is to tell the benefits to them.如果还有人不认为自由有多么重要,那是因为他们还没有看到自由的好处。而我们要做的就是把自由的好处告诉他们。
Words and Phrases
demonstrate [ˈdemənstreɪt] v. 证明;演示;示范
emulation [ˌemjʊˈleɪʃn] n. 竞争;仿效
emulative [ˈemjʊlətɪv] adj. 竞争性的;好胜的;不服输的
emulator [ˈemjʊleʊtʊ(r)] n. 竞争者 emulate [ˈemjʊleɪt] v. 仿效;模仿
If you love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace.— Samuel Adams
For you
In the opinion of many people, liberty is more precious than anything else,even a lot of wealth. If you don’t think so, you shouldn’t be among us. 在许多人的眼中,自由比其他任何东西都更加珍贵,即使是巨额的财富也比不上它。倘若你不是这样想的,那么你就不该站在我们中间。
Words and Phrases
servitude [ˈsɜ:vɪtju:d] n. 奴役;束缚
animating [ˈænɪmeɪtɪŋ] adj. 有生命的;生气勃勃的
contest [ˈkɒntest] n. 竞赛,比赛;竞争
in peace 平静地 signpost [ˈsaɪnpəʊst] n. 路标;指示牌