Day 2 低频词
peer [pɪə(r)] n. ①贵族 ②同辈,同龄人,身份(或地位)相同的人 ③(才能、学识等)相匹敌的人 v. 仔细看,端详
例句 When we begin to question our assumptions and challenge what we think we have learned from our past, from the media, peers, family, friends, we begin to realize that some of our conclusions are flawed(有缺陷的)or contrary to our fundamental values.
翻译 You often have to peer about for your seat.
同义替换 n. ①noble v. stare
pension [ˈpenʃn] n. 养老金,退休金,抚恤金
例句 The challenges include the fact that most people can expect to spend a third of their lives in retirement, and that 11.3 million people are over state pension age.
翻译 They both have their pensions to live on.
同义替换 retirement pay
plain [pleɪn] adj. ①清晰的,明白的 ②朴素的,真诚的,普通的
例句 First, the teacher’s personality should be lively and attractive. This does not rule out people who are plain-looking, or even ugly, because many such people have great personal charm.
翻译 He set an example of plain living(他树立了一个艰苦朴素的榜样), but there are still people who can’t understand him.
同义替换 ①clear; distinct; obvious; evident②simple; homely;ordinary
possess [pəˈzes] v. 拥有,具有,持有
例句 As it is, ordinary people cannot afford to possess such luxuries. 实际上,普通人买不起这样的奢侈品。
衍生 possession n. 占有,持有,拥有;个人财产,私人财物
翻译 They possess their own means of production.
同义替换 own; have; hold; contain; regulate
poverty [ˈpɒvəti] n. ①贫穷 ②贫乏,缺乏
拆分 pover(看作power,动力)+ ty(名词后缀)→贫穷是向上的动力→贫穷
例句 We need economic growth unless we condemn the world’s poor to their present poverty and freeze everyone else’s living standards.
翻译 more than two and a half million families have been lifted out of poverty(超过250万户家庭已经摆脱贫困)
同义替换 ②shortage
presence [ˈprezns] n. ①出席,到场,存在 ②仪表,仪态
例句 The presence of a uniformed security guard is even better. A false sense of security makes a pickpocket’s job much simpler. 执勤保安的出现是更好的,安全方面的疏忽更容易给小偷下手的机会。
衍生 present adj. 出席的,到场的;现在的,目前的;存在的,含有的
翻译 The children showed unusual constraint in the presence of the new teacher(在新教师面前显得很拘束).
同义替换 ①attendance; existence
principal [ˈprɪnsəpl] adj. 最重要的,主要的 n. ①负责人,校长 ②资本,本金
拆分 prin(主要的,第一)+ cip(拿,抓,握住)+ al(人物)→第一个拿主意的人→校长
例句 The employee posted abroad who speaks the country’s principal language has an opportunity to fast-forward certain negotiations, and can have the cultural insight to know when it is better to move more slowly.
衍生 principle n. 原则,原理,道义;基本信念,信条
翻译 their principal’s having coming to see them
同义替换 adj. main; supreme n. ①headmaster ②captial
provided [prəˈvaɪdɪd] conj. 如果,假如
例句 We can accept your counter-offer provided you take the quantity we offer. 我们可以接受你方还盘,但你方要接受我们提出的数量。
衍生 providing conj. 只要,如果
翻译 provided that you get it back to me before 10 o’clock
同义替换 if; providing; on condition that; supposing
psychological [ˌsaɪkəˈlɒdʒɪkl] adj. ①心理(学)的②心灵上的
拆分 psychologi [psycho(心理)+ logi(logy,名词后缀表示科学、学问)→心理学] +cal(形容词后缀)→心理的
衍生 psychology n. 心理学,心理状态 psychologist n. 心理学家
翻译 His mother is seriously ill, so you had better give him some psychological support(你最好给他心理上的支持)instead of lending some money.
pulse [pʌls] n. ①脉搏 ②(声波等的)脉冲 ③(音乐等的)节奏 v. ①(稳定的节拍)跳动 ②洋溢着,充满
例句 Indeed, pain is now considered the fifth vital sign, as important as blood pressure, temperature, breathing rate and pulse in determining a person’s well-being.
翻译 My pulse is a little faster than normal.
rank [ræŋk] n. ①军衔,职衔 ②地位,社会阶层 v.把……分等级,给……评定等级,列入
例句 But for rankings-conscious schools in between, merit aid has served primarily as a tool to recruit top students and to improve their academic profiles. 但在那些注重排名的学校之间,奖学金主要是作为一种工具,用来招募优秀学生,并扩展学科覆盖面。
衍生 ranking n. 等级,顺序
翻译 He ranks among the best pupils of his grade.
同义替换 n.②status
ratio [ˈreɪʃiəʊ] n. 比例,比率
例句 The ratio of pupils to teachers was 30 to 1.
翻译 deliberately used the golden ratio in his paintings
同义替换 proportion; rate; scale
reasonable [ˈriːznəbl] adj. ①合理的,明理的 ②不错的 ③适当的,适度的
拆分 reason(理由)+ able(形容词后缀)→有理由的→合理的
例句 “Children have to learn to negotiate the world on their own, within reasonable boundaries,” White says.
衍生 reasonably adv. 适度地,适当地
翻译 Your boss shouldn’t refuse your reasonable request.
同义替换 ①rational; fair ②fairly good ③proper; adequate
recognition [ˌrekəɡˈnɪʃn] n. ①认识,认出 ②赏识,奖赏
拆分 re(再)+ cogn(know,知道)+ ition(名词后缀)→再次知道→认出
例句 Last year the influential trade show Designers & Agents gave special recognition to designers whose collections are at least 25% sustainable. 去年,颇具影响力的贸易展会Designers & Agents特别重视和肯定那些作品中至少有25%是用可持续面料做成的设计师。
衍生 recognize v. 认出,识别;承认,认可;赏识,表彰
翻译 The recognition you have obtained is well deserved.
同义替换 ①identification
recruit [rɪˈkruːt] n. 新兵,新成员 v. 招募(新兵),吸收(新成员)
拆分 re(表强调,重新)+ cruit(增长)→招募(新兵)
翻译 Father was living over his experiences as a young recruit.
reduction [rɪˈdʌkʃn] n. ①减少,缩小 ②(照片、地图、图片等的)缩图,缩版
拆分 re(back)+ duct(引导)+ ion(名词后缀)→往回引导→减少,降低
例句 We can only make a reduction of $5 per ton in the price. 我们最多只能在价格上每吨降5美元。
翻译 We can’t accept the reduction you ask for.
同义替换 ①decrease; shrinkage; decline
reference [ˈrefrəns] n. ①提到 ②参考,查阅 ③引文,参考书目 ④证明书(或人),推荐信(或人)
拆分 refer(查阅,涉及)+ ence(名词后缀)→提到,参考
例句 There’s no sense in safeguarding your information while sharing private contact information of your references.没有理由在保护你的信息的同时公开你推荐人的私人信息。
翻译 He has a good reference from his former employer.
refine [rɪˈfaɪn] v. ①精炼,精制,提纯 ②使优美,使完善
拆分 re(again,再,又)+ fine(好的)→使再好一些→精炼,精致
例句 The eighteenth century sought to refine upon Shakespeare by altering and adapting his plays. 18世纪,人们试图通过改编莎士比亚的作品来超过他。
衍生 refined adj. 有教养的;精炼的 refinement n. 精炼,提纯;改进,改善
翻译 Reading good books helps to refine our speech.
同义替换 ②improve; polish up
reinforce [ˌriːɪnˈfɔːs] v. 增强,加强
拆分 re(再次)+ in + force(强大,力量)→再次增加力量→表强调,巩固
例句 It is about building better communities and organizations that enhance us as individuals and reinforce our shared humanity. 多元化就是建立更好的社区和组织,强化我们作为个体的权利,强调我们共有的人性。
翻译 reinforce the unity between the army and the government(加强军政团结)
同义替换 strengthen; enhance; cement
relax [rɪˈlæks] v.(使)放松,轻松
例句 Do you think what you do to relax is an effective way to beat stress? 你认为你的放松方法对减压有效吗?

衍生 relaxation n. 放松;缓和
翻译 Music can make you relax.
同义替换 lighten up; ease down; rest
relevant [ˈreləvənt] adj. 有关的,切题的
例句 For further information, see the relevant chapters.
衍生 relevantly adv. 有关地
翻译 These issues are directly relevant to the needs of learners.(这些问题与学习者的需求有直接关系。)
同义替换 connected; concerned; involved
remote [rɪˈməʊt] adj. ①遥远的,偏僻的 ②关系疏远的 ③微乎其微的
拆分 re(回)+ mote(运动)→动回去→退回去→遥远的
例句 By opening the North American continent, highways have enabled consumer goods and services to reach people in remote and rural areas of the country, spurred the growth of suburbs, and provided people with greater options in terms of jobs, access to cultural programs,health care, and other benefits. 高速公路开放了美洲大陆,让消费品和服务可以惠及边远的农村地区,刺激了郊区的发展,让人们在择业、文化交流、保健和其他方面有了更大的选择空间。
翻译 I was a strange sight in this remote spot.
同义替换 ①far ②distant ③light
represent [reprɪˈzent] v. ①作为……的代表(或代理)②表示,象征 ③描绘,表现
拆分 re(再)+present(出席)→作为……的代表
例句 In response to the same forces that have driven the world economy, universities have become more self-consciously global: seeking students from around the world who represent the entire range of cultures and values, sending their own students abroad to prepare them for global careers…
衍生 representative adj.有代表性的,典型的 n. 代表,代理人
翻译 was chosen to represent the company at the conference
reserve [rɪˈzɜːv] v. ①保留,留存 ②预订
拆分 re(再)+ serv(服务,保持)+ e(动词后缀)→保留,预订
例句 The computer will calculate the best route, and reserve space for the car all the way to the correct exit from the highway. 电脑将会计算出最佳路线,并且全程为该车保留行车空间直至正确的出口。
衍生 reservation n.(住处、座位等的)预订;犹豫
翻译 You must reserve a ticket in advance.(你必须提前订票。)
同义替换 ①preserve ②book
retire [rɪˈtaɪə(r)] v. ①离开工作 ②退出比赛 ③部队撤退
例句 He was forced to retire from the competition due to a leg injury. 因为腿部受伤,他不得不退出比赛。
衍生 retired adj. 退休的 retirement n. 退休
翻译 after retiring from the enemy(从军队退役后)
rid [rɪd] v. 使摆脱,使除掉
例句 Why does cream go bad faster than butter? Some researchers think they have the answer, and it comes down to the structure of the food, not its chemical composition—a finding that could help rid some processed foods of chemical preservatives.
翻译 He want to get rid of smoking.(他想要戒烟。)
同义替换 free from
sake [seɪk] n. 缘故
例句 Never do wrong for the sake of money.
翻译 For sake of health(为了健康), he decided to go to the seaside for a holiday with his wife and children evey year.
同义替换 purpose; behalf; objective
satisfaction [ˌsætɪsˈfækʃn] n. ①满意,满足 ②(抗议、投诉等的)妥善处理 ③(需要或欲望的)满足,达到
拆分 satisf(satisfy,使满意)+action(名词后缀)→满意,满足
例句 An exclamation of satisfaction indicated that the grave-digger had found the object of his search. 一声满意的叫喊表示那掘墓人已经找到了他想要的东西。
衍生 satisfactory adj. 令人满意的,符合要求的 satisfied adj. 满意的,满足的;确信的;信服的 satisfying adj.令人满意的,令人满足的
翻译 which was a great satisfaction to me
section [ˈsekʃn] n. ①章节 ②部分 ③部门,科 v. 切开,切断
例句 If your resume contains a section with the names and contact information of your references, take it out.
翻译 if you understand the main idea of this section
同义替换 n. ①passage ②part③division; department v. cut
sensible [ˈsensəbl] adj. 明智的,合理的
拆分 sens(感觉)+ ible(形容词后缀)→可察觉的
例句 In high school, I wanted to be an electrical engineer and,of course, any sensible student with my aims would have chosen a college with a large engineering department,famous reputation and lots of good labs and research equipment. 在高中的时候,我想成为一名电气工程师,当然,任何一个具有相同目标的明智的学生都会选择一所设有一个大的工程系、享有盛誉,并拥有大量高级实验室和研究设备的学院。
衍生 sensibly adv. 明智地
翻译 if he is a sensible man(如果他是个明智的人)
同义替换 wise; intelligent
shrink [ʃrɪŋk] v. ①收缩,缩水 ②退缩,畏缩
例句 Will this woolen sweater shrink when washed?
翻译 We are determined not to shrink from it.

signal [ˈsɪgnəl] n. 信号,暗号 v. ①用信号发出 ②标志
拆分 sign(记号,信号)+ al(名词后缀)→信号
例句 If the car travels 100 metres without the driver confirming their ID, the system will send a signal to an operations centre that it has been stolen.
翻译 how she could send a signal(她怎样才能发出信号)
同义替换 n.mark
stable [ˈsteɪbl] adj. ①稳定的,安定的,稳固的 ②沉稳的,稳重的
例句 In spite of the rising production cost, our price have remained stable. 尽管生产成本一直在上升,但我们的价格始终保持稳定。
衍生 stably adv. 稳定地,坚固地,坚定地;有恒心地
翻译 He is a very stable person.(他是一个非常稳重的人。)
同义替换 ①steady; firm; settled ②balanced
statistic [stəˈtɪstɪk] n.(一项)统计数据
例句 This statistic had been sent to the magazine he edits.
衍生 statistical adj. 统计的,统计学的
statistically adv. 统计上地,统计地
翻译 the latest statistic showed(最新的统计数据表明)
stimulate [ˈstɪmjuleɪt] v. 刺激,激励
拆分 stimul(刺)+ ate(动词后缀)→刺激
例句 Imagination is a valuable quality and a motivating power,and stimulates achievement.
衍生 stimulation n. 刺激,激发;启发,促进
翻译 Recycling stimulates the local economy by creating jobs.

同义替换 activate; motivate
suicide [ˈs(j)uːɪsaɪd] n. 自杀
拆分 sui(自己)+ cid(杀)+ e→自杀
例句 In the play the author makes the villain commit suicide.
衍生 suicidal adj. 想自杀的;可能导致死亡的;毁灭性的
翻译 never commit suicide(绝不要自杀)
同义替换 self-destruction
supermarket [ˈsuːpəmɑːkɪt] n. 超级市场
拆分 super(超级的)+market(市场)→超市
例句 Few turn down supermarket loyalty cards.
翻译 The supermarket was averagely busy.
syndrome [ˈsɪndrəʊm] n. ①综合征 ②典型意见,典型表现
例句 The spots on his throat are part of a syndrome.
翻译 The doctor diagnosed the patient’s syndrome from the test results.(医生根据患者的检验结果做出了诊断。)
synthetic [sɪnˈθetɪk] adj. ①合成的,人造的 ②综合(型)的 n. 合成物,合成纤维,合成剂
例句 We felt the salesman’s synthetic friendliness.
翻译 Nylon is a synthetic.(尼龙是一种合成纤维。)
同义替换 adj.①man-made; artificial n. composition
temper [ˈtempə(r)] n. ①脾气 ②情绪 v. ①调和,使缓和②使(金属)变坚韧,使回火
例句 That temper of hers will get her into trouble one of these days. 她那种脾气早晚会让她碰到麻烦的。
衍生 temperature n.温度;发烧
翻译 She soon lost her temper with him and drove him away.
同义替换 n.②mood v.①comfort