What does community really mean? We asked a number of creatives and entrepreneurs to give us their personal take.
“people live in cities and cities live in people.
Ben Wood
Ben Wood is the founder of Studio Shanghai Architects, who were responsible for Shanghai XINTIANDI's design. Their concept for the project was simple: make places, mainly outdoors, for people to meet.
When I first came to Shanghai in 1998 I had no idea what to expect, I just knew that something was about to happen in terms of urban regeneration. Looking back, what I have witnessed in my 20 years here is the meteoric rise of the middle class, the phenomena of women desiring designer handbags, of the iPhone becoming a fashion accessory. For me, all of this was an education in how popular culture is created by the choices people make: who they're with, what they're wearing, what they're eating.
I think XINTIANDI is important because it put Shanghai at least 10 years ahead of any other city in the country. I have multiple other projects in other cities and districts in China and they're all trying to become like Shanghai, and they always point to XINTIANDI as the project that made it the city the place where everybody wanted to live. I don't think people realise how important XINTIANDI is as a cultural benchmark. And – financially speaking – successful beyond anyone's dreams.
There's a phrase that goes along the lines of: people live in cities and cities live in people. Where you live is a huge choice you make and it will absolutely define you. Starting with the city you choose, down to where in that city you choose to be. If you make the right choices your life becomes so much richer. It comes down to finding places in that neighbourhood where you can feel comfortable walking up to a complete stranger and saying,“Hi! Do you mind if we sit down and share a cup of coffee?” That doesn't happen in most neighbourhoods. My whole practice has been spent convincing people that technology is not the answer to community – the answer is building buildings to the scale of human beings.
Sun Xinxi is the Editor in Chief of ELLE DECORATION China, who collaborated with XINTIANDI to present the ELLE DECORATION Cafe and pop-up stores.
I have to socialise a lot in my line of work. Some people misconstrue my dedication to attending so many events as bragging, or perhaps over-indulging, but to me these social events are a crucial part of my role in terms of acquiring the information I need to keep ELLE Decoration China current. You pick up news and different perspectives from talking to different individuals. Good conversation helps me to come up with new ideas and ways of producing content.
There are two qualities I admire the most in people I like to collaborate and work with. The first is curiosity; if you lose your curiosity on what's new in the world, then it's going to be hard to work in media. The second thing is being willing to share and spread the knowledge you have acquired with others. In terms of the community I surround myself with at work, most of my team are much younger than me. They're so inspiring, such interesting people, which makes me feel like my job is the best job in the world. And I want my team to believe that too! I want them to believe that every day they are living their best life.
To me, community is about openness. When I meet someone I open my heart and give them the real me. I feel like it's a shame to waste the precious time you have to connect with someone by being fake. In order to truly communicate with people you need to be loyal to yourself and truly show your heart to people, that's how a true community is born. It's not always easy, sometimes you can open up to someone and show them your heart but they're just not interested. But you know, who cares? You've always got more friends to make.
Yuan Hong and Shui Jing are the curators of XINTIANDI Festival: an annual, week-long festival that brings together some of the best performance acts from all over the world.
These days we use our phones to do practically everything: you don't even need to leave the house to buy new clothes or enjoy a delicious meal. But, despite that, we are still human beings. We need to talk, interact and form relationships with people. Our aim with XINTIANDI Festival is to create something that would make people excited to step away from their screens, get out of the house and experience something interesting and engaging which they could take friends and family along to, where they can share the show, the atmosphere, the food, the entertainment, and, subsequently, share real life. It's important these days for us to jump out of our phones right back into the room.
“To me, community is about openness. When I meet someone I give them the real me: I open my heart.
Sun Xinxi孙信喜
So that's what we want XINTIANDI Festival to be: a collection of performances designed to bring people together. Every year we travel to different festivals all over the world and watch more than 200 performances so we can pull together a truly diverse programme for XINTIANDI Festival. We want to make a brand new experience for the audience in XINTIANDI. For example, when you go and watch a show in the West End in London, people tend to have a drink before, then after, and sometimes in the interval too. This doesn't happen in China: it's much more formal. But we thought why not recreate that kind of experience in XINTIANDI? People can go to a show, then have a bite to eat and a drink, and even indulge in a bit of shopping afterwards.
Wanbing Huang is a highly-regarded Chinese fashion designer who now lives and works in London. Her career took off when she showed her extraordinary, ethereal collection at Shanghai Fashion Week in 2016. She is the recipient of the 2017–18 China XINTIANDI Scholarship at Central St Martins.
Human interaction, connections and relationships are so important because they are like a mirror: their reflections tell us how we can strive to live a better life. For me, community is a living, breathing place made up of a specific group of people exchanging their ideas and inspiring each other by their values, behaviours and lifestyle. The fashion community is not just a group of innovative people who strive to push boundaries of existing beauty, but also a community which allows me to creatively express my ideas. I use the community to find like-minded people and designers who have wonderful ideas. The opportunity for collaboration in the fashion world enables us to create something original with the combination of our different strengths.
In terms of my own little community – my studio – I tend to like to surround myself, and work with, people that are totally different from me, especially the logical, smart people who have unique character traits and philosophical minds. A good team is made up of members who possess different strengths and who can compensate for the weaknesses of others. With that in mind, there is no “leader” in my studio, my team members are all leaders in their own specialised fields.
Regarding the larger fashion world, I do like the democracy within it. From consumers to designers, people are able to wear designs that can express their individuality. The only thing I'm not too keen on in the fashion community is just the fast pace of it! I always wish I had just a little more time to research so I can fully immerse myself in a theme and have deeper feelings and a clear understanding of my subject matter.
Lin Jian began his career writing about music before turning his gaze to fashion and becoming one of China's most respected critics. Since 2014 he has run SHOWROOM, China's first professional showroom that enables buyers to connect with designers.
Shanghai Fashion Week began about 15 years ago. Back then the organiser was really interested in big brands from abroad. (As I remember, the very first show at Shanghai Fashion Week was a Lanvin show.) But I think the sustainable way to run a fashion week depends on what kind of designers can gain success from your platform. When I started SHOWROOM everyone thought: “Oh, it's just a show for the media or the friends of designers.” But SHOWROOM completes the industrial chain. It brings in business to the world of fashion.
When I was in my 20s, the word“community” to me meant sharing the same interests, aesthetics, and goals in life with my small gang of friends. You know, poetry, art, music and so on. Our little community was something of a spiritual home for me. Then when I was in my 30s, I opened my eyes and ears to people with different ideas. Then, community was all about the sharing of ideas, exchanging of minds and helping each other to understand a bigger world.
Now I'm 40, community has a new definition: contribution. What I mean by that is that these days I try my best to use the fashion knowledge I've picked up over the years to really help others. In terms of how I think Shanghai Fashion Week could benefit from focusing on the power of community, there is a very old Chinese saying that goes: “Govern a large country as you would fry small fish.”
“There is a very old Chinese saying that goes: “Govern a large country as you would fry small fish.
Lin Jian林剑
Anne Smith is the Dean of Academic Programmes for Fashion, Jewellery and Textiles, Product, Ceramic and Industrial Design and Spatial Practices at Central Saint Martins.
I've been at Central Saint Martins(CSM) for 27 years now, but before I began my career in education I was a designer. I worked in a very small, cheap space in south London. I was part of an artist and designer community in a converted warehouse.
We have about 5000 students at the university who come from all over the world. This gives them a really unique learning environment because they learn from all of the different backgrounds and cultures which are brought together under one roof. It equips them well because it allows them to leave education being very confident in being able to talk to and work with and alongside people from all over the world. They leave knowing that they can operate on a global platform with confidence and knowledge.
Each student has a core course which they have enrolled on, but they tend to collaborate in some shape or form with students on other courses or in pathways chosen within their own course. It really reflects how you have to operate when you graduate as well because I think your creativity is limited if all you refer to is your own discipline. That's what's so brilliant about CSM: the students learn so much from each other in this multidisciplinary community.
I think there's a real sense of belonging at CSM. It was interesting when we moved into the new building in 2011 and the academics and senior management were sceptical about open-plan areas. We have this brilliant area called the Learn Zone which is just an open-plan space filled with moveable furniture. We thought it was going to be a bit of a waste of space, but literally from the day of enrolment the students just camped out in it and it's always been packed since. You'll get an architecture student making a model next to a fashion student with a mannequin and it just works brilliantly. It's just a sign of how people operate these days, working alongside each other.
“Our aim with XINTIANDI Festival is to create something that would make people excited to step away from their screens.
Yuan Hong & Shui Jin袁鸿与水晶
Ben Wood是Studio Shanghai建筑事务所的创始人,上海新天地的总规划建筑师。上海新天地规划的概念非常清晰纯粹——构筑一处以开放空间为主的社交之所。
孙信喜是《ELLE DECORATION家居廊》杂志编辑总监,他曾与新天地共同呈现ELLE DECORATION Café及快闪店。
因为工作的原因,我常常免不了参加各种各样的派对活动。有人说我参加这些活动是因为爱炫耀图热闹,但是事实上这些活动正是我工作中汲取信息的重要部分,它们帮助我更好地把握《ELLE DECORATION家居廊》的未来方向。通过和不同的人交流,我可以从他们身上接触时下最新的行业资讯、多视角的见解。这些都会不断刺激我们产生新的想法和创意内容。
“Human interaction and relationships are like a mirror: their reflections tell us how we can strive to live a better life.
Wanbing Huang黄婉冰
Anne Smith是中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院的学术课程主任,她负责统筹时装设计、珠宝及纺织品设计、产品设计、陶瓷设计、工业设计及空间实践的相关课程。