Part Six Strengthening Reading

10 Tips to Create a Perfect College Life
Here are 10 tips to help you create a productive and memorable college experience.
1.Answer the question,“Why am I going to college? ”
Many college students really don't have a clear reason for being there other than the fact that they don't know what else to do yet.注7They take goals from family and peers, which aren't truly their own. What are you there to learn? What do you want to experience?
注7 Many college students really don't have a clear reason for being there other than the fact that they don't know what else to do yet.很多大学生对于上大学都没有明确的原因,除了一个事实——不知道还有其他的事可以做。other than意为“除了”,例如,There's nobody here other than me.除了我这里没别人。
2.Imagine your ideal college experience.
Once you know why you're going to college, imagine your ideal outcome. Whether you've already started college or not, stop and simply write down some attributes of your ideal experience. Describe them in as much detail as you can. Real life will of course turn out differently than you visualize. The point of visualization is to give you more clarity for making decisions right now.
3.Take at least one extra class each semester.
The real benefit to a dense schedule isn't that you'll graduate sooner. The real benefit is that you'll enjoy a richer experience. This sort of thing sure looks great on a resumé.
4.Set clear goals for each class.
Decide what you want out of each specific class. Sometimes you'll achieve your goals;sometimes you won't. Even if you do your best, you may still fall short. You'll have to pick your battles. Some are worth fighting; others are best ignored.
5.Triage ruthlessly.
You don't need to put an equal amount of effort into every class. Inject extra effort when it's important to you, but feel free to back off a little from classes that are a low priority based on your specific goals.注8
注8 Inject extra effort when it's important to you, but feel free to back off a little from classes that are a low priority based on your specific goals.重要的课程可以多加把劲,但对于那些对你的目标无足轻重的课程可以松懈一点。这句话的后半句是由that引导的定语从句。
6.Get an early start each day.
Getting an early start each day can help you get a lot more done, not just in the morning but throughout the day.

7.Reclaim wasted time during your classes.
Not every class is going to require your utmost concentration. Sometimes teachers babble. Sometimes they reiterate what you already know. If a class is really challenging, sit in the front and soak up every word. But if a class isn't challenging you, then sit in the back, do homework for other classes, and pop your head up every once in a while to see if there's anything worth jotting down.
8.Learn the material the very first time it's presented.
One of the biggest time wastes in school is having to relearn something you didn't learn properly the first time. When students say they're studying, most of the time they're making up for a previous failure to learn the material.
9.Master advanced memory techniques.
One of the keys to learning material the first time is to train yourself in advanced memory techniques.注9 I don't recommend memorizing by repetition because it's way too slow.
注9 One of the keys to learning material the first time is to train yourself in advanced memory techniques.学习的关键之一就是掌握科学的记忆方法。the key to doing sth.意为“做……的关键”,这个短语中to是介词。
10. Have some serious fun!
Challenge yourself academically, but give yourself plenty of time for fun as well. Don't squander your leisure time hanging around doing nothing.

Words Tips
1.peer /pɪə/ n.同辈;同龄人;身份(或地位)相同的人;(英国)贵族成员
◇ Children are easily influenced by their peers.孩子很容易受同辈影响。
◇ He was created a peer of the UK in 2005.他在2005年被封为英国的贵族。
2.a▼ribute /'ætrɪbjuːt/ n.属性;(人、物、职务等的)标志
◇ A scepter is the a▼ribute of power.权杖是权力的标志。
◇ The a▼ribute that indicates that the same copy of a routine cannot be used by another task.一种属性,表示某一例行程序的同一副本不能被另一个任务使用。
3.visualize /'vɪʒʊəlaɪz/ v.使形象化;显现;想象
◇ No ma▼er how hard he tried, I still cannot visualize his design.无论他怎么努力说明,我还是想象不出他的设计到底是什么样子。
◇ A road map visualizes geographic information.道路图是可视化的地理信息。
4.inject /ɪn'dʒekt/ v.注射;注入;增加(某品质)
◇ His medicine is a drug that can be injected or taken by mouth.他的药可以注射或口服。
◇ We hope to inject new life into our business.我们希望给我们的业务注入新的活力。
◇ She kept trying to inject a li▼le fun into their relationship.她一直在设法为他们的关系增添一些情趣。
5.priority /praɪ'ɒrəti/ n.优先;优先权;重点;优先事项
◇ Cleaning up the water supply is their top priority.清洁供水系统是他们的当务之急。
◇ The proposal deserve support as they give priority to the needs of children.这些提议值得拥护,因为它们优先考虑了儿童的需求。
6.babble /'bæbl/ v.含混不清地说;喋喋不休;牙牙学语;潺潺作声
◇ Mother always babbles about trifles.母亲总是唠叨些琐事。
◇ The baby babbled for hours.那婴孩牙牙学语了好几小时。
◇ Everywhere orioles sing, swallow dart, streams babble, and the road mount skyward.到处莺歌燕舞,更有潺潺流水,高路入云端。
7.squander /'skwɒndə(r)/ v.浪费;挥霍
◇ He squandered his time and money in gambling.他在赌博中浪费了他的时间和金钱。
◇ Life is the most precious thing, I can not afford to squander, I will treasure.生命是最宝贵的东西,我挥霍不起,所以我会倍加珍惜。