Unit 2 中国文化
考试频度 ★
总体难度 ★★★★
• 京剧 Peking opera
• 京剧人物脸谱 facial/theatrical makeup
• 鞭炮 a string of small firecrackers
• 龙灯舞 dragon lantern dance
• 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival
• 清明节 Tomb-sweeping Festival
• 元宵节 Lantern Festival
• 重阳节 Double Ninth Festival
• 中秋节 Mid-autumn Festival
• 除夕 Lunar New Year's Eve
• 春节 the Spring Festival
• 辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new
• 爆竹 firecracker
• 赏灯 view the lanterns
• 灯谜 lantern riddle
• 庙会 temple fair
• 年夜饭 family reunion dinner (on Lunar New Year's Eve)
• 拜年 pay a New Year call
• 菜系 cuisine
• 烹饪方法 cooking techniques
• 大蒜 garlic
• 美食节 gourmet festival
• 色、香、味、形俱全 perfect combination of color, aroma, taste and appearance
• 四大菜系:鲁菜、川菜、粤菜、淮扬菜Shandong cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Canton /Guangdong cuisine and Yangzhou cuisine
• 风味小吃 local delicacy
• 南淡北咸,东甜西辣the light southern cuisine and the salty northern cuisine, the sweet eastern cuisine and the spicy western cuisine或the light flavor in the south, the salty flavor in the north, the sweet flavor in the east and the spicy flavor in the west
• 生 male characters
• 旦 female characters
• 净 "painted-face" characters
• 末 middle-aged male characters
• 丑 clown
• 木偶戏 puppet show
• 独角戏 monodrama
• 皮影戏 shadow play
• 折子戏 opera highlights
• 戏剧小品 skit
• 哑剧 dumb show
• 单口相声 monologue comic talk
• 对口相声 cross comic talk, witty dialogue
• 口技 vocal imitation
• 说书 story-telling
• 杂技 acrobatic performance
• 叠罗汉 making a human pyramid
• 特技 stunt
• 踩高跷 stilt walk
• 刀切 cutting and slicing techniques
• 火候 heat control
• 切片 slicing
• 切条 cutting to strips
• 切丝 shredding
• 切柳 filleting
• 切丁 dicing
• 切碎 mincing
• 磨碎 grinding
• 大/旺/武火 strong heat
• 中火 medium heat
• 小/微/文火 gentle heat
• 宴席酒类(统称) wine
• 啤酒 beer
• 洋酒 wine
• 黄酒 yellow rice wine
• 白酒 white spirit
• 牛饮 take a swig
• 小酌 take a sip
• 敬酒 propose a toast to
• 红酒red wine
• 白葡萄酒white wine
• 隶书 official script
• 楷书 regular script
• 行书 running script
• 草书 cursive script
• 篆书 seal script
• 石刻碑文 inscriptions on stone tablets
• 版画 engraving
• 贝雕画 shell carving picture
• 彩塑 painted sculpture
• 瓷器 porcelain
• 陶器 pottery
• 刺绣 embroidery
• 雕刻 carving
• 宫灯 palace lantern
• 国画 Chinese painting
• 剪纸 paper-cut
• 木刻画 wood engraving
• 水墨画 Chinese brush drawing/ink and wash painting
• 微雕 miniature engraving
1. 中国有句古话是这样说的:“山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵。”
模板句型1:An ancient Chinese saying goes that/has it that "Any mountain can be famous with the presence of an immortal, and any river can be holy with the presence of a dragon."
模板句型2:As an ancient Chinese saying goes, "Any mountain can be famous as long as there is an immortal, and any river can be holy as long as there is a dragon."
模板句型精析:这句话是典型的“中国风”的语句。一般来说,中国的成语或古话都用“中国有句古话是这样说的”这种模块结构开头。在这里笔者给大家提供了三种不同的开头方式,考生须熟练掌握。另外,成语一般不必逐字逐句翻译,英语习惯先讲结果,所以表达时可以转换顺序。句子之间的逻辑关系也是笔者建议考生注意的部分。这里的逻辑关系其实在于“只要”,即“任何山都能够成名,只要有仙;任何水都能够神圣,只要有龙”。有了这层逻辑关系,考生便可根据上面所提供的两个模板句型结构,选择as long as或者with其中一种枝形结构进行翻译。总体来说,逻辑关系词是解决中国成语翻译的关键,也是考生最容易忽略的部分。
2. 对于那些有兴趣把书法作为一种艺术形式来研究的人士来说,曲阜孔庙和泰山岱庙里的石碑是必看无疑的。
模板句型1:The stelae in Qufu's Confucius Temple and Mount Tai's Dai Temple are undoubtedly/surely visitor's choice for those interested in studying calligraphy as an art form.
模板句型2:The stelae in Qufu's Confucius Temple and Mount Tai's Dai Temple are the destination for visitors who are interested in studying calligraphy as an art form.
模板句型精析:这个句子的难点在于“必看无疑”这个四字格,在考场上这极可能是一个夺命四字格。上面所提供的两个模板句型采用了不同的处理方法,第一个模板句型将“无疑”直译为undoubtedly,“无疑”就是“必须”的意思,因此,考生也可将其简单地译为surely。除此以外,模板句型2采取更为意译的译法。必看无疑的地方,换而言之就是目的地。在旅游场景中,tourist destination就是“游客必经之地”的意思。总体来说,两个模板句型都采用了转序法,把句子后半部分结构提前翻译,而把for引导的介词结构置后,这种方法在口译中尤为实用,因为口译过关的基本要求就是要翻译出句子结构。
3. 例如农历五月初五的端午节,人们过端午节是为了纪念被昏君贬官放逐而抱石投江自尽的古代诗人和忠臣屈原。
模板句型:The Dragon Boat Festival on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month is in memory of/in honor of Qu Yuan, an ancient poet and loyal minister who drowned himself while in exile from a corrupt court.
常见不当译文:The Dragon Boat Festival on May 5th is to celebrate Qu Yuan, an ancient poet and loyal minister who drowned himself while in exile from a corrupt court.
模板句型精析:这又是一句充满浓郁中国特色的句子。先说时间的翻译,“农历”这个词是个难点,仅仅译出时间不能达意,有考生甚至会翻成farmer calendar,又是一个贻笑大方的词。在这里,建议考生采用模板句型中的翻译模式:on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month。对此,考生还可举一反三,比如“农历六月初八”怎么讲,等等。连接整个句型结构的模块词是“纪念”,这里千万不要望文生义,像常见不当译文中那样翻译为to celebrate(庆祝;颂扬),否则就与原句意思大相径庭了。庄重的纪念仪式一般用in memory of或in honor of,这种结构在文化类话题中考得尤为频繁。除此以外,涉及人文介绍类的译文,需要先译人名,之后通过枝形结构引导具体故事情节,这也是考生需要活用的一种结构。
4. 春节的食物比较讲究,除了常见的海鲜、家禽和肉类之外,人们还要按各自的地方习俗烹制一些传统菜肴。
模板句型:People are usually particular about their food. In addition to the popular seafood, poultry and meat, people also prepare some traditional cuisine in accordance with/according to their own local customs.
模板句型精析:这是一个并列结构的句子。并列结构分为词与词之间的并列以及句子与短语或句子与句子之间的并列。本句属于后者,因此翻译时不能简单地使用and进行连接。这里请各位考生注意模板句型所用的结构性语言,强烈推荐考生熟记并掌握衔接词in addition to。除此以外,“按……”推荐考生使用in accordance with和according to表达。其他值得关注的地方有:句子开头采用了增词法,增加了主语,这样可以避免在考试中因主语缺失出现句子结构不完整的失误。
5. 现代中国已享有“烹饪王国”之美誉,精致的烹调艺术盛行全球,中餐烹饪已名列世界顶尖菜系之林。
模板句型:Modern China enjoys the reputation as /is crowned as/is lauded as the "kingdom of cuisine". The exquisite Chinese culinary art has prevailed all over the world and Chinese cuisine has ranked among first-class cuisine in the world.
常见不当译文:Modern China is the "kingdom of cuisine". The exquisite Chinese culinary art is the first of the world and Chinese cuisine is among first-class cuisine in the world.
6. 中餐烹调所用的天然配料,品种繁多,几无穷尽;烹调方法,亦层出不穷,不可悉数。这些无与伦比的中餐烹饪特点,足以说明中餐馆及中餐烹调之所以名扬海外的缘由。
模板句型1:The nearly endless/numerous/countless/innumerable variety of natural ingredients and methods of preparation employed in Chinese cuisine stand out unequaled/unparalleled in the world, which may very well account for the overseas popularity of Chinese restaurants and Chinese cooking.
模板句型2:The nearly endless/numerous/countless/innumerable variety of natural ingredients and methods of preparation employed in Chinese cuisine stand out unequaled/unparalleled in the world, which may very well account for the fact that Chinese restaurants and Chinese cooking gain popularity abroad.
模板句型精析:该句的第一个特点在于四字格。“品种繁多”、“几无穷尽”、“层出不穷”、“不可悉数”这些四字格往往令很多考生束手无策。因此,请考生注意将意思进行简化,其实这些四字格的共同点在于强调数量多。因此,通过使用endless, numerous, countless, innumerable等模块词汇,则可以完成前半部分。除此以外,“无与伦比”这个四字格还带有很强的宣传性,请学会熟练应用unequaled, unparalleled等词,做到有备无患。这个句子的第二个特点在于其长度。长句也是目前考试的重要趋势。通过对比两种模板句型,我们不难发现,模板句型2通过使用the fact that... 这个同位语从句,将overseas popularity转化成了gain popularity abroad,这是处理长句时常用的“转句法”,也值得考生熟练掌握。
7. 色、香、味这三大要素的高品质,只有通过选料、调料、适时烹调、把握火候、装盘上桌这些微妙步骤的细心协调,才能取得。
模板句型:These three essential elements, color, aroma and taste, are achieved through the careful coordination of a series of delicate activities, namely, selecting ingredients, mixing flavors, timing the cooking, controlling the heat and laying out the food on the plate for the table.
常见不当译文:These three essential elements, color, aroma and taste, only through the careful coordination of a series of delicate activities, namely, selecting ingredients, mixing flavors, timing the cooking, controlling the heat and laying out the food on the plate for the table, can be achieved.
8. 在中国,一桌标准宴席包括四至八个事先制作好的冷盘、八道现做的热炒、两道观赏性大菜(如全鱼、乳猪、全鸡等),此外还有汤、米饭和点心。
参考译文:A standard Chinese banquet will consist of/contain four to eight prepared cold dishes, eight hot dishes served one at a time, two whole-size showpiece dishes (such as a whole fish, a whole suckling pig or a whole chicken), in addition to/accompanied by soups, steamed rice and pastries.
常见不当译文:A standard Chinese banquet will include four to eight prepared cold dishes and eight hot dishes served one at a time, and two whole-size showpiece dishes (such as a whole fish, a whole suckling pig or a whole chicken), and soups, steamed rice and pastries.
模板句型精析:这是一个典型的并列结构的句子。有相当一部分考生像常见不当译文那样翻译,大量使用and,造成句子结构非常不正式,且用词也稍显贫乏。在这里,笔者推荐给考生一些高频模块词:表示“包括”除了可以用include以外,还可以使用consist of, contain等。如果出现过多并列单词,in addition to, accompanied by也是很好的切割句子结构的短语。
9. 一个成年人平时在家就餐时,通常只吃两小碗米饭,或一大碗面条,或几只馒头,外加几个荤素炒菜,而非以菜为主,以米饭或面食为辅。
模板句型:At an everyday home meal, an adult may consume two small bowls of steamed rice, or a large bowl of noodles, or several pieces of steamed bread, accompanied by several meat or vegetable dishes, instead of/rather than the other way round.
常见不当译文:At an everyday home meal, an adult may consume two small bowls of steamed rice, or a large bowl of noodles, or several pieces of steamed bread, accompanied by several meat or vegetable dishes, but not dishes as the staple food, while rice or noodles as the non-staple food.
模板句型精析:这个句子中包含了一层转折关系。很多考生一听到“而非”往往会将其译为but not之类的词,虽然意思不失实,但语言的结构性欠缺。因此,笔者建议考生将“而非”译为instead of或rather than,以体现句子语言的结构性。除此以外,模板句型中的the other way round实为对“以菜为主,以米饭或面食为辅”意思的简化,非常适于处理口译转折句。
10. 这一古老的风俗习惯反映了食物在中华文明史上的重要地位:占据餐桌中心位置的是炒菜,而不是鲜花,晚餐的主要话题常常是食物。
模板句型:This age-old custom is one manifestation of the importance of food in Chinese civilization:it is the cooked dishes,rather than flowers,that serve as centerpieces on a Chinese table;food is frequently the main topic of dinnertime conversation.
常见不当译文:This age-old custom shows the important status of food in Chinese civilization:what serve as centerpieces on a Chinese table are cooked dishes, but not flowers;food is frequently the main topic of dinnertime conversation.
模板句型精析:这个句子的第一个特点在于对事物重要性的表达方式,在中文中有“体现……的重要地位”的讲法,常见不当译文的翻译过于按部就班,有翻译腔之嫌。比较而言,模板句型采用了“动静转换”的翻译思路,将动词“体现”用be+ manifestation的方式表达。再遇类似句子,笔者建议考生采用这种正式译法。句子的第二个特点在于将强调句型和转折句型综合使用。关于转折句型的模块处理方式,上一句的模板句型精析中已详细阐述,这里要求考生能和强调句型It is... that... 结合使用。
11. 亲朋好友相聚,美酒佳肴相敬,实属人生之最大快乐也。
模板句型1:Fine food and good drink,taken in the company of/shared by good friends,constitute one of our supreme pleasures in life.
模板句型2:It is one of our supreme pleasures in life to share fine food and good drink with our good friends.
模板句型精析:这是一句足以难倒众多考生的“多主句”。纵观译文,我们会发现口试考场对单词的要求并不是不高。本题翻译的难点在于如何选择正确的主语。模板句型1的译文很清晰地剖析了“亲朋好友”和“美酒佳肴”的关系:再怎么样的饕餮盛宴,总是要被人享用的。因此,选择后者充当句子主语,并通过分词结构相串联,不失为巧妙的译法。在这里,考生还须掌握constitute一词,该词常用于总结。而模板句型2则对整个句子进行了更为宏观的处理,通过It is... to... 这种形式主语句型,将句子进行换序处理,由此使主意群更突出。考生在考试中应多采用这种译法。
12. 虽然中国究竟有多少种地方菜系并无定论,但是有关人士认为,中国有鲁菜、川菜、粤菜和淮扬菜等四大地方菜系。福建—台湾菜通常被列为第五种地方菜系。
模板句型:Although there is no agreement on the precise number of Chinese regional cuisines, those concerned with such matters agree that the four principal culinary regions are Shandong, Sichuan, Canton (Guangdong) and Yangzhou, with Fujian-Taiwan cuisine most commonly listed as a fifth.
常见不当译文:Although there is no agreement on the precise number of Chinese regional cuisines, those concerned with such matters agree that the four principal culinary regions are Shandong, Sichuan, Canton (Guangdong) and Yangzhou, and Fujian-Taiwan cuisine is most commonly listed as a fifth.
13. 由于地方菜系之间存在着频频交覆现象,以及相互借鉴的情况,人们因而认为,区分地方菜系最为简便的方法是按菜的知名度,而不是按菜的烹调风格或口味进行辨别。
模板句型:The frequent overlapping and borrowing that take place among the regional cuisine leads one to the conclusion that they are most conveniently distinguished by their famous dishes, rather than by any prevailing style or taste.
常见不当译文:As there exists the fact that regional cuisine frequently overlaps and borrows from each other, people think that the most convenient way to distinguish regional cuisine is based on the fame of such cuisine, not on their prevailing style or taste.
模板句型精析:这句话是一个长句。通过对比不难发现,常见不当译文的翻译过于冗长,而且充斥着逐字逐句翻译的痕迹。在实考当中,这种中式英语色彩较重的译法很难得到理想的分数,因此,笔者不建议考生采用逐字逐句的口译方法。模板句型总体采用的是“合句法”,但关键之处却在于“转性法”的运用。overlapping, borrowing和conclusion这三个词,是由原句中的动词灵活转化而成的名词,而be distinguished by的结构则是动静转化的灵活运用。何时使用“转性法”要基于对意群的理解,以本句为例,通过“由于”和“因而”这两个关联词不难发现前后意群是因果关系,因此本句的核心结构是“名词+lead to+名词”,这种结构往往需将前后句子转化为名词结构,要借助“转性法”。
14. 川菜选料范围大,调味及炊技变化多样。川菜最大的特点是口味重,以麻辣著称。
模板句型:Sichuan cuisine boasts a wide range of materials, various seasonings and different cooking techniques. Sichuan cuisine is mostly featured/characterized by its heavy taste and is famous for its spicy flavor.
模板句型精析:这个句子可能又会令相当一部分考生折戟考场。第一句的特点是无明显谓句动词,但根据整个句子的宣传语境,添加boast一词便能化腐朽为神奇。除此以外,be featured/characterized by则对原文进行了“动静转换”,也是考生须掌握的宣传类模块用词。
15. 也有人以八个字来归纳这四大菜系的口味特点,即“南淡北咸,东甜西辣”。
模板句型1:According to others, the characteristic flavors of China's four major cuisines can be summed up in the following expression: "The light southern (Canton) cuisine, and the salty northern (Shandong) cuisine; the sweet eastern (Yangzhou) cuisine,and the spicy western (Sichuan) cuisine."
模板句型2:According to others, China's four major cuisines are featured by "the light flavor in the south, the salty flavor in the north, the sweet flavor in the east and the spicy flavor in the west."
模板句型精析:这个句子的难点在“南淡北咸,东甜西辣”这两个四字格上。上面所提供的两种译法都基于对这八个字背景知识的了解。另外,请考生重点关注第2个模板句型,这句话又是通过be featured by这个重点模块结构摆脱了对原文逐字逐句翻译的桎梏,可见其在实际口译中的实用性。
16. 1996年雄伟壮观的上海博物馆新馆全面对外开放,共计有11个专馆和3个展览馆,开放面积达1万余平方米。
模板句型:The magnificent new Shanghai Museum was open in its entirety to public visitors in 1996,with eleven galleries and three exhibition halls in a space of over 10,000 square meters.
常见不当译文:The magnificent new Shanghai Museum was open in its entirety to public visitors in 1996. There were eleven galleries and three exhibition halls then, and the opening space reached a space of over 10,000 square meters.
17. 上海博物馆新馆建筑总面积38000平方米,由地下两层、地上5层构成,建筑高度29. 5米。
模板句型:The new site of the Shanghai Museum has a construction space of 38,000 square meters with two floors underground and five floors above the ground with a height of 29. 5 meters.
常见不当译文:The new site of the Shanghai Museum has a construction space of 38,000 square meters. It is constructed by two floors underground and five floors above the ground, and the building has a height of 29.5 meters.
18. 这座壮观的新馆将方体基座和巨型圆顶及4个拱形出挑结合起来,象征着传统文化与时代精神的完美融合。
模板句型:This grand new building,structured with a square base and a circular top with four arch-shaped handles erected on it,symbolizes the perfect fusion of China's traditional culture and the spirit of modern times.
模板句型精析:这句话对很多考生来说有一定难度。首先,“结合”一词未必要用combine来表达,如果对上海博物馆的形象有基本了解的话,不妨用structured with这个体现结构介绍的基本模块短语。其次,对于体现意义的symbolize, fusion等词,考生也需进行强化训练,以便能在考场上使用自如。
19. [1]上海博物馆南面大门的两侧,耸立着8尊汉白玉雕塑。[2]这是从300多件汉、唐雕塑文物中遴选出8件作品加以仿制放大,[3]每件高近3米,重约20吨,极具庄严雄浑之气。
模板句型:The southern entrance of the Shanghai Museum is flanked by eight dignified mighty animals in white-marble sculpture, each with a height of close to three meters and a weight of about twenty tons. These eight sculptures were modeled and magnified after the prototypes carefully selected from over 300 stone and bronze sculpture relics of the Han, Northern and Southern, Sui and Tang Dynasties collected in the museum.
模板句型精析:这句话的难度显而易见。在口译现场,考生不妨先试着读懂句子的三个意群(见原句中的标注)。第一个意群是雕塑的位置,第二个意群是雕塑的取源,第三个意群则是对雕塑的形象介绍。这句话非常类似于narration(叙述),因此强烈建议考生如模板句型一样,转换叙述顺序,把发展历史滞后翻译,形成[1]-[3]-[2]的语序。此外,表示位置的模块词be flanked by考生也需熟练掌握。
20. 自1949年以来,中国传统戏剧得到了前所未有的发展,全国各地现有剧团1573个,演员达到86000多名,其中京剧团为135个,京剧演员11000名左右。
模板句型:Since 1949,traditional Chinese operas have undergone unprecedented development,with the troupes nationwide totaling 1,573 and performers over 86,000,among which Peking opera troupes number 135 with about 11, 000 performers。
常见不当译文:Since 1949,traditional Chinese operas have undergone unprecedented development. There are 1,573 troupes nationwide and over 86,000 performers and 135 Peking opera troupes and about 11,000 performers。
1. On behalf of all my colleagues present here, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.
模板句型精析:这个句子是典型的礼仪致辞用语,其句型结构是“on behalf of+代表方”,考生应熟悉致辞的开头语“我谨代表……”。在政治、经济类句子中,代表方可能会变为“党中央、国务院、世贸组织”等机构类模块单词,这一类的单词在经济、政治模块中会重点补充。
2. What legacy shall we leave our children? Are they destined to die painfully for the hatreds which have plagued the old world, or are they destined to live joyfully because we had the vision to build a new world?
1. 同有着1000年历史的陕西戏曲秦腔相比,京剧显得年轻多了,只有200年的历史。但是京剧从老剧种中自由广泛地借鉴,再加上几代京剧艺人为追求艺术完美而做出的努力,使京剧成了我国最高雅、表现力最强的剧种之一。
模板句型1:Compared with Qin Qiang, the 1000-year-old Shanxi Opera, Peking Opera is a relatively young opera, with a history of only 200 years. But Peking Opera has benefited a lot by borrowing freely and extensively from old operas. This, coupled with the efforts of generations of Peking Opera performers in pursuit of artistic excellence, has made Peking Opera one of the most elegant and the most expressive operas in China.
模板句型2:Compared with Qin Qiang, the 1000-year-old Shanxi Opera, Peking Opera is a relatively young opera, with a history of only 200 years. But Peking Opera has benefited a lot by borrowing freely and extensively from old operas. In addition, generations of Peking Opera performers have made great efforts in pursuit of artistic excellence, all these have made Peking Opera one of the most elegant and the most expressive operas in China.
模板句型精析:这是一个比较结构的句子。比较结构往往采用compared with这一短语,用分词开道。除此以外,两个模板句型都通过with将介词结构后置。另外,“再加上”一词在这里体现出了句子的并列结构,而且这里不是词与词的并列,而是句子与句子的并列。考生须特别注意两种模板句型中使用的模块词。模板句型1通过coupled with将原句的句子结构转化为词语结构,是“转性法”的活用;而模板句型2则通过in addition完成了句子的翻译。这是两种不同的处理方法,考生也可在具体长句翻译中交替使用,以加强表达的丰富性和多样性。
2. 京剧还赢得了很多外国戏迷的青睐。京剧的另一特色是所谓的脸谱,这使许多外国人着迷。京剧脸谱不同于西方人在化装舞会上戴的面具,是画在演员脸上的图案。京剧脸谱象征着人物的性格,不同的颜色表示不同的性格。例如:黑色代表刚直,白色代表背叛和狡诈,红色则常用来表示忠诚。
模板句型:Peking Opera is also well received by a lot of overseas fans. Another feature of Peking Opera is what is known as Lian Pu, or theatrical make-up, which many foreigners find most fascinating. Different from the kind of masks Westerners wear at masquerades, Peking Opera Lian Pus are colorful patterns painted on the faces of the performers. Lian Pu is symbolic of the characters, with different colors denoting different characteristics. For instance, black stands for uprightness, white means treachery or deception, and red often signifies loyalty.
常见不当译文:Peking Opera has been liked by a lot of overseas fans. Another feature of Peking Opera is what is known as Lian Pu, or theatrical make-up, which many foreigners find most fascinating. Peking Opera Lian Pus are different from the kind of masks Westerners wear at masquerades; they are colorful patterns painted on the faces of the performers. Lian Pu shows the characters, with different colors showing different characteristics. For instance, black means uprightness, white means treachery or deception, and red often shows loyalty.
模板句型精析:这个模块长句中的每个句子都各有特点。第一句话很明显是典型的宣传语气,模块结构是“赢得……的青睐”,这里推荐被动结构be well received by,使表达更为正式得体。需要指出的是,很多情况下,被动句并不一定翻译成“被”,往往可翻译为“受”、“由”或直接译为主动语态。这个句子可演变为对产品的宣传,如:本产品赢得了许多客户的青睐。第二句话是非常典型的“同主句”,这里可以如模板句型一样,用different from结构开头,而将主语置中。第三句话是最为重点的模块句,句中的“象征”、“表示”、“代表”如像常见不当译文一样,仅仅用show或mean进行表达,虽然考试中不至于不通过,但词汇匮乏的弱点也会全然暴露,势必会影响起评分。因此,将模板句型中所推荐的单词及词组用法与各位考生共飨,以期考生能在考试时运用自如。
3. 我很高兴有机会向各位朋友介绍中国的烹调。中国人非常重视“吃”。“民以食为天”这句俗语迄今还广为传诵。食物可口和营养丰富一直被当作日常生活的基本要素。中国的烹饪文化源远流长;中国的烹饪文化起始于商周朝,距今约3500年。
模板句型:It gives me great pleasure to have this opportunity to introduce Chinese cuisine to you. Chinese people attach/give great importance to their way of dining. There is an old saying still widely quoted today "Food is the first necessity of the people." Delicious and nutritious food has been regarded as the basics of everyday life. The Chinese culinary culture enjoys a long history. It can be traced back to/date back to Shang and Zhou dynasties about 3500 years ago.
模板句型精析:这个模块长句中几乎每个短句都具有极强的模板性。第一句属于礼仪致辞,用it作为形式主语开头的方式相对更为正式得体,考生可以将其作为优选开头方式。第二句中的“重视”一词属于模块词汇。很多考生可能会译为pay attention to,但这个短语只侧重意识上的重视,并没有行为上重视的意味。因此,这里推荐考生使用attach/give great importance to,该短语可广泛用于政治、经济等各类题材中。第三句是非常典型的古语或俗语,往往可以运用As an old saying goes等模块句型。讲到传统文化往往要追根溯源,最后一句话中的“起始于”一词可译为date back to或be traced back to。考生在运用时请注意区分主动语态和被动语态,这也是考生在考场上容易犯错的地方。
4. 在漫长的发展过程中,中国菜逐渐分化为南北两大口味。一般来说,南方菜讲究鲜嫩,用料精选,做工细致。
模板句型精析:In the long course of the historical development, the Chinese dishes gradually developed into Southern and Northern tastes. In general, the southern dishes lay emphasis on freshness and tenderness. They are careful in selection of material and exquisite in workmanship.
模板句型精析:这句话是对文化发展的进一步阐述,翻译时需注意用词精确。比如,“分化”一词很多考生会只按字面意思翻译,难以拿捏。在这里,推荐使用develop into,不仅表意准确,而且使用频率也很高。在介绍南方菜时,出现了“讲究”一词,根据其语境,这里用lay emphasis on是很好的选择。而翻译“用料精选,做工细致”时,增添be动词用“be+ adj.+ in”的结构是不错的选择。如果今后考到“产品体积小巧,式样雅致”等等,大家能否举一反三呢?
Pu Yin Xi, or shadow show, is one of the most distinctive Chinese folk arts. In China's rural areas in the past, lack of shadow show troupe meant lack of entertainment there. Particularly, after the "Cultural Revolution", all sorts of shadow shows became the most important and popular performances for village people to get married, mourn over departed souls or perform in temple fairs. Recently, as the old artists have faded away and the young generation has dropped out, shadow show has gradually declined. There are fewer and fewer show troupes, artists and performances as compared with those in its heydays.
Last year, Daoqing Shadow Show Troupe of Huan County in Gansu Province came to Beijing for the bidding for the inclusion of the United Nations' non-material cultural heritage list. The troupe gave shadow shows at a dozen of universities, including Peking University and Tsinghua University, which got a huge audience of college students and foreign envoys. Shadow show art exhibitions on its history and development were also held during the period of performance. Those who bought a 200-yuan ticket could get an authentic manual shadow made of ox leather as souvenir.
What kind of folk art is China's shadow show? How did it evolve as a folk art? Here I'd like to give a detailed introduction.
Fully combining/marrying Chinese folk fine arts with opera, the Chinese shadow show is an indispensable and exquisite pearl in the Chinese folk art palace. Shadow show is one of the earliest operas in China, and it projects the performances of plain puppets onto a white screen by light. Shadow show is rich and beautiful in melodies and splendid in performance. For thousands of years, it has gained popularity among/been popular with the public and has been widely spread. Moreover, shadow shows have played a role in the developing process of cultures and arts both at home and abroad/domestic and overseas cultures and arts. Melodies of quite a lot of new local operas originate from/are traced back to those of shadow shows. Some western celebrities in the cultural circle, like Goethe in the 18th century and later Charles Chaplin, have highly commended the Chinese shadow show art. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, state leaders, such as Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, entertained domestic and overseas guests with shadow shows.
The plain puppets, stage props and settings are usually made of leather which is carved and painted by folk artistes, hence its literal meaning "leather show". Characters and scene models and the making of them in the shadow show are based on Chinese folk fine art. Its artistic style is quite unique in the national art. For the screen show presentations, artists combine abstract with realistic techniques, adding bold and comprehensive features of plain, artistic, cartoon and drama styles to characters and settings. The types of facial make-up and dressing models are lifelike, vivid, exaggerated and humorous, or honest and unconstrained, or delicate and romantic. With fluent carving styles, bright colors, transparent figure images and flexible limbs, the shadow show is enjoyable and charming. The shadow show products, abbreviated as shadow figure, can not only be used in the show, but also be pasted on windows and walls as indoor decoration. Because of its simplicity, unsophistication, elegance, unique national features and its combination of art appreciation values with collection values, the shadow show product has been collected by many museums, collectors, and shadow show lovers both at home and abroad. In international exchanges, some Chinese usually present shadow show products as a first-choice gift for overseas friends.
Shadow shows can be performed to present historical stories, folk legends, chivalrous knights, legal cases, love stories, myths, allegories and modern fashion dramas. Traditional repertoire includes The Story of the White Snake, Romance of the West Chamber, The Tale of the Cowherd and the Girl Weaver, The Generals of Yang Family, The Tale of Water Margin, The Romance of Three Kingdoms and The Pilgrimage to the West. Later on, fashion dramas, modern dramas and fairy tales are developed, including The White-Haired Girl, Liu Hulan and The Story of the Red Lamp.
The Shadow show is one unique and colorful art form of Chinese folk culture. It is the earliest screen entertainment in the world. It is acknowledged in the theory of international film history that shadow show art plays a pioneering role in the film art.
1. 皮影戏是中国民间最具特色的艺术形式之一。
模板句型:Pu Yin Xi, or shadow show, is one of the most distinctive Chinese folk arts.
常见不当译文:Pu Yin Xi, or shadow show, is one of the art forms which has the greatest feature of Chinese folk arts.
2. 以前在中国的乡间,没有皮影戏剧团就意味着没有娱乐,特别是在“文革”之后,各地不同流派的皮影戏成为农村婚丧嫁娶、庙会社戏上最重要、同时也是最受欢迎的演出形式。
模板句型1:In China's rural areas in the past, if there wasn't a shadow show troupe, it meant there was no entertainment there. Particularly, after the "Cultural Revolution", all sorts of shadow shows became the most important and popular performances at wedding, funerals, temple fairs and village theatrical events.
模板句型2:In China's rural areas in the past, lack of shadow show troupe meant lack of entertainment there. Particularly, after the "Cultural Revolution", all sorts of shadow shows became the most important and popular performances for village people to get married, mourn over departed souls or perform in temple fairs.
常见不当译文:In China's rural areas in the past, without shadow show troupe meant without entertainment there...
模板句型精析:在该句第一个意群中,很多考生会像常见不当译文那样,直接按字面意思翻译,但without引导的介词短语,是无法充当主语的。在模板句型1中,采用了“转句法”,用if引导条件状语从句,从而完成了翻译;而在模板句型2中,则用lack of引导的名词短语作主语,这是考生非常容易忽视的语法现象,因此建议考生进行强化训练。在第二个意群中,“婚丧嫁娶、庙会社戏”是比较难处理的四字格。因此考生可仿照模板句型1,通过介宾结构简化语法,也可按照模板句型2,通过不定式结构完成“转性法”,将原文的名词转化为动词进行翻译。在口试现场,这两种处理方式都可以圆满完成原句的翻译。
3. 近几年,随着老艺人的消失,年轻人的出走,皮影戏渐渐沉默了。
模板句型1:Recently, with the old fading away and the young generation dropping out, shadow show has gradually declined.
模板句型2:Recently, as the old have faded away and the young generation has dropped out, shadow show has gradually declined.
4. 演出同时,还举办皮影戏艺术展,集中展示皮影戏艺术的历史和发展。
模板句型1:Shadow show art exhibitions on its history and development were also held during the period of performance.
模板句型2:In the meantime, people also held shadow show art exhibitions on its history and development.
模板句型精析:这个模块句子的特点是无主语。模板句型1采用了“转态法”,将主动语态转化为被动语态,但存在的小小缺陷——主语显得过长;而模板句型2则采用了“增词法”,增加了主语。这里考生须注意,原句如果指代不是特别清楚,可根据具体语境增加“模糊主语”,如people, we, one, they等。
5. 中国皮影戏是中国民间工艺美术与戏曲巧妙结合而成的独特艺术品种,是中华民族艺术殿堂里不可或缺的一颗精巧的明珠。
模板句型:Fully combining/marrying Chinese folk fine arts with opera, the Chinese shadow show is an indispensable and exquisite pearl in the Chinese folk art palace.
模板句型精析:这个模块句子的特点体现在两个方面:首先它是一个典型的“同主句”,因此在这里可以根据主次关系,采用主语置中的句型结构;其次是原句中的“结合”体现出了并列结构,可以选用的模块词有combine...with... 或marry... with... 。
6. 皮影戏是我国出现最早的戏曲剧种之一,它是利用灯光将平面偶人的表演投射到白色幕布上的一种戏剧形式。
模板句型:Shadow show is one of the earliest operas in China, and it projects the performances of plain puppets onto a white screen by light.
常见不当译文:Shadow show is one of the earliest opera kinds that have appeared in China, and it makes use of light to project the performances of plain puppets onto a white screen.
模板句型精析:常见不当译文的问题在于翻译腔过重。首先,“最早”这个模块结构是一个高频考点,一般在口译中只需翻译出最高级的形容词即可。比如:“本校是全国最早创建的外国语学校之一”只需译成Our school is one of the earliest foreign schools in China即可,至于“创建”等词,完全可以省略。句子的第二大意群是具体介绍性文字,这里的模块性体现在“利用”、“将”等词上。笔者将这些词称为“假动词”,在实际口译中,往往将其译为介词,比如模板句型,通过介词onto和by,将整个句子串联起来。
7. 皮影戏唱腔丰富优美,表演精彩动人。千百年来,深受广大民众的喜爱,所以流传甚广。不仅如此,皮影戏还对国内外文化艺术的发展起过一定的作用。
模板句型:Shadow show is rich and beautiful in melodies and splendid in performance. For thousands of years, it has gained popularity among/been popular with the public and was widely spread. Moreover, shadow shows have played a role in the developing process of cultures and arts both at home and abroad/domestic and overseas cultures and arts.
模板句型精析:这个句子富含模板句型。首先,开头的宣传介绍类文字可以用“be+ adj.+ in”的结构进行串联;其次,谈到皮影戏受欢迎的程度,可用gain popularity among或者be popular with的句型结构进行串联;而在讲到其作用时,可使用高频结构play a(n) (adj.) role in...,可添加的形容词有important, significant, leading, pioneering, dominant, predominant等等;最后,“国内外”是一种非常大气的表达形式,但有相当一部分考生在词性选择方面出现问题。一般both at home and abroad作副词后置,domestic and overseas作形容词前置。
8. 有不少新的地方戏曲剧种的唱腔就是从皮影戏唱腔中派生出来的。
模板句型:Melodies of quite a lot of new local operas originate from/are traced back to those of shadow shows.
模板句型精析:这个句子的核心词是“派生”,在这里可以将其绕译为“起源于”或者“追溯到”,选用originate from或be traced back to。
9. 皮影戏中的平面偶人以及场面道具和景物,通常是民间艺人用刀雕彩绘制成的皮制品,故称之为皮影。
模板句型:The plain puppets, stage props and settings are usually made of leather which is carved and painted by folk artistes, hence its literal meaning "leather show".
模板句型精析:这个模块句子的特点在于其对于中国文化的诠释。出现“故称之为”这类句型时,可用“hence+ n.”的句型结构作为正式的解释。除此以外,这句话重点提及了皮制品,因此翻译时应结合语境,译为leather show,而不是shadow show,这也是在进行文化交流时译员需把握的原则。
10. 它为了适应皮影戏的幕影表现形式,采取了抽象与写实相结合的手法,对人物及场面景物进行了大胆的平面化、艺术化、卡通化、戏曲化的综合处理。
模板句型:For the screen show presentations, artists combine abstract with realistic techniques, adding bold and comprehensive features of plain, artistic, cartoon and drama styles to characters and settings.
模板句型精析:这又是个难度较大的句子。原句的语法结构复杂,因此不妨采用“简译法”。第一个意群的主体结构是“采用……与……相结合”,这里不妨去掉“采用”,直接翻译后面的动词“结合”。“进行……的宣传”等类似结构也可以这样简化翻译。除此以外,这里还采用了增词法,增加了具体主语artists,非常符合语境。而第二个意群做了更大的简化,通过adding... to...的结构完成串联。至于“大胆”、“综合”等词,都可进行重组,在考试中如果时间紧迫,甚至可以依据重要性原则选择不译。
11. 由于皮影造型古朴典雅,民族气味浓厚,既具有艺术欣赏性又有收藏价值,所以国内外很多博物馆、收藏家、艺术工作者和皮影爱好者都藏有中国皮影。
模板句型:Because of its simplicity, unsophistication, elegance, unique national features and its combination of art appreciation values with collection values, the shadow show product has been collected by many museums, collectors, artists and shadow show lovers both at home and abroad.
模板句型精析:这是一个高难度的句子,首先要解决的问题是确定主语,这里可以将后半部分的主语和宾语互换,形成“同主句”结构。此外,由于采用了because of作为开头,后面必须采用“转性法”。非常典型的转换是将“民族气味浓厚”转化为“浓厚的民族气味”即“形容词+名词”的偏正结构,这种结构在运用“转性法”时很常用。而对于“既……又……”的结构,可将combine... with... 的动词结构转化为combination of... with... 。
12. 国际电影史理论界公认,皮影戏艺术是后来发明电影的先导。
模板句型1:It is acknowledged in the theory of international film history that shadow show art is the forerunner of the film art.
模板句型2:It is acknowledged in the theory of international film history that shadow show art plays a pioneering role in the film art.
模板句型精析:将事物称为“先导”,其重要性不言而喻。在这里向大家推荐两种处理方式。模板句型1中使用了forerunner一词,是贴切的直译;而模板句型2则采用了动静转换,将原来的be动词结构转化为实义动词结构play a pioneering role in。该结构之前已有介绍,这里考生需注意其中的形容词pioneering,该词立意要远远高于important或significant,也是考生极易忽略的词。
1. 烹饪方法 (译文一般用过去分词形式)
• 煎 pan-fried
• 炒 stir-fried
• 爆 quick-fried
• 炸 deep-fried
• 烩 stewed
• 熏 smoked
• 煨 simmered
• 煮 boiled
• 烘 baked
• 烤 roast
• 蒸 steamed
• 腌 preserved
2. 烹饪刀法
• 片 slice
• 丝 shred
• 丁 dice
3. 配料及酱汁(一般用介词with与配料搭配,用in与酱汁搭配)
掌握这三个要点及基本单词,再根据实际情况,基本能完成考题中大部分中国菜名的翻译。比如:“锅贴”可译为pan-fried dumpling,“鸡丝”可译为chicken shreds。很多中国菜的译法是这三个步骤中任两步的组合,比如:“雪菜毛豆”可译为fresh soybeans with preserved potherb mustard,就是配料与烹饪方法的结合。考生在考试中如能保持冷静,做如上拆分,并结合上个单元中的拼音注释译法,相信翻译中国特色事物已不再是难题。