In writing this book, I have received help from many people to whom I feel greatly indebted. First and foremost, I am very grateful to Professor Guo Shangxing, for his constructive advice and suggestions, his patient reading of my work, and his insightful comments. Without his guidance and encouragement, completing this book would have been almost impossible. He taught me a rigorous approach to academic research, one from which I shall benefit greatly throughout my life.
I would also like to thank Professor Liu Shili, Dean of the School of Foreign Languages at Xinyang Normal University, whose inspiring ideas and meticulous guidance aroused my interest in academic research.
I also offer my appreciation to the other professors with whom I have studies during my postgraduate career, including Professor Zhang Keding, Professor Niu Baoyi, Professor Liu Chendan, Professor Xu Youzhi, Professor Yang Chaojun, Professor Jiang Ling, Associate Professor Fu Jiangtao, Dr. Wang Xiaowei, and Mr. Zhang Xiaohui. Their excellent lectures helped me to acquire a comprehensive knowledge of translation and interpreting studies, linguistics and other related fields.
In the process of collecting the materials for this book and revising it, I was also fortunate to enjoy the support from my close friends Wang Lei, Wang Yuqi and Xiao Xuyi, who took the time to give me guidance and suggestions, even while busy working on their own projects. I would like to thank Ms. Yu Xiaofei, Ms. Liu Xiaoqing and Mr. Robert James, for their editing assistance, encouragement and pa-tience.
Last but not least, I would like to express my thanks to my family, my wife Wang Saimei, and my friends, for their sincere love and deep concern.