The Rise of Roscoe Paine


"A very little," I replied."I used to know a good deal about them once, and, of late, since I have been in the Denboro bank, my knowledge has been brushed up a bit.But I am afraid it is pretty fragmentary.""Do you know anything about Louisville and Transcontinental?"I started.Louisville and Transcontinental was the one stock about which I did know something.Of late I had read everything the papers printed concerning it.It was the stock in which George Taylor had risked so much and which had come so near to ruining him.No wonder I was startled.Why did she mention that particular stock?

"What?" I stammered.

"Louisville and Transcontinental," she repeated, eagerly."DO you know anything about it? Why do you look at me like that?"I must be careful.It was not possible that she could have learned George's secret.No one knew that except George himself, and his brokers, and I.Yet--yet why did she ask that question? I must be on my guard.

"I did not realize that I was looking at you in any extraordinary way, Miss Colton," I answered.

"But you were.Why? Do you know anything about it? If you do--oh, if you do you may be able to help me, to advise me! And, for Father's sake, I want advice so much."For her father's sake! That did not sound as if her question concerned George or me.A trifle reassured, I tried to remember something of what I had read.

"I know, of course," I answered, slowly, "what every one knows, that the California and Eastern has been, or is reported to have been, trying to get control of the L.and T.Its possession would give the California people the balance of power and mean the end of the present rate war with the Consolidated Pacific.The common stock has fluctuated between 30 and 50 for months and there have been all sorts of rumors.So much the newspapers have made common property.That is all I know.""You did not know then that Father and his associates control the California and Eastern?"I leaned back in my chair.

"No," I said, "I did not know that.Then your father--""Father tells me a great deal concerning his business affairs.Ihave been very much interested in this.It seems almost like a great war and as if Father were a general.He and his associates have gradually bought up the C.and E.until they practically own it.And they have been working to get the Louisville road.Last winter, you remember, there was a great excitement and the stock went up and then down again.That was when it looked as if the other side--the Consolidated Pacific--had beaten Father, but they had not.You remember that?"I remembered it.That is to say, George had told me of the rise and fall of the stock.It was then that he had bought.

"Yes," I said, "I remember something of it.""If Father had stayed in New York he would have won before this.

Oh," with a burst of pride, "they can NEVER beat him when he is leading the fight himself! He has, through his brokers, been selling--what do they call it? Oh, yes, selling the Louisville stock 'short' ever since.I am not sure just what that means, but perhaps you know.""I think I do," I answered, thoughtfully."He has been selling, quietly, so as to force the stock down, preparatory to buying in.

I remember the papers have said that the C.and E.were reported as having lost interest in the Louisville.That was only a blind, Ipresume."

"Yes.Father never gives up, you know that.But he was very anxious that the Consolidated Pacific people should think he had.

And now--now, when he is so ill--comes this! Mr.Davis telephoned that-- Yes, what is it?"There had been a knock at the door.It opened and the butler appeared.

"A telegram for Mr.Colton, Miss Mabel," he said.

"Give it to me.Tell the man to wait, Johnson.It is from Mr.

Davis," she exclaimed, turning to me."I am sure it is.Yes.


She handed me the yellow telegram.I read the following aloud:

"James W.Colton, "Denboro, Mass.

"Galileo potato soap currency tomato deeds command army alcohol thief weather family--""What on earth--!" I exclaimed.

"That is in the code, Father's private code.Don't you see? The code book is here somewhere.I must find it."She was rummaging in the drawer of the desk.With a sigh of relief she produced a little blue leather-covered book.

"Here it is," she said."Now read me the telegram and I will write the translation.Hurry!"I read again:


"That means 'Consolidated Pacific'.Go on."It took us five minutes to translate the telegram.When we had finished the result was:

"Consolidated Pacific crowd wise situation.Strong buying close market to-day.Expect worse to-morrow.We are bad shape.Can deliver only part.Sure big advance opening and more follow.What shall I do? Why do not you answer private telegraph line?

Telephone out order.Wire instructions immediately.Better still come yourself.Davis.""Is that all?" asked Miss Colton."What answer shall we make?""Wait.Wait, please, until I dig some sort of sense out of all this.'Wise situation'--""Wise TO situation, I presume that means.The Consolidated Pacific is wise to the situation.'Wise' is slang, isn't it? It used to be at college.""It is yet, even in Denboro.Humph! let me think.'Sure big advance opening.' I suppose that means the market will open with Louisville and Transcontinental at a higher figure and that the price is sure to advance during the day.""Yes.Yes, it must mean that.But why should Mr.Davis be so excited about it? He said something about 'ruin' over the 'phone.

What does 'We are bad shape' mean? And 'Can deliver only part'?""I don't know...unless...Humph! If we had some particulars.

Why don't you answer on the private telegraph, as he says?""Because I can't.Don't you see? I can't.There is no telegraph operator in the house.When we first came Father had a secretary, who could use the telegraph; but he sent him back to New York.