第60章 CHAPTER IV.(4)
"Your sister was near the house. She came in on hearing my words to the doctor. She is asleep now, and your mother is watching her. Iwanted to tell you all myself. Would you like to see your mother?""No!" said he. "I would rather see none but thee. Mother told me thou knew'st all." His eyes were downcast in their shame.
But the holy and pure did not lower or veil her eyes.
She said, "Yes, I know all--all but her sufferings. Think what they must have been!"He made answer, low and stern, "She deserved them all; every jot.""In the eye of God, perhaps she does. He is the Judge; we are not.""Oh!" she said, with a sudden burst, "Will Leigh! I have thought so well of you; don't go and make me think you cruel and hard. Goodness is not goodness unless there is mercy and tenderness with it. There is your mother, who has been nearly heart-broken, now full of rejoicing over her child. Think of your mother.""I do think of her," said he. "I remember the promise I gave her last night. Thou shouldst give me time. I would do right in time.