第4章 Little Sister(4)
He took a pillow from the bed,fixed it in the rocking chair and laid me on it.When he found that father was hitching the horses to send Leon for Doctor Fenner,Laddie rode back after Sarah Hood and spoiled her washing.It may be that the interest he always took in me had its beginning in all of them scaring him with their weeping;even Sally,whom father had to telegraph to come home,was upstairs crying,and she was almost a woman.It may be that all the tears they shed over not wanting me so scared Laddie that he went farther in his welcome than he ever would have thought of going if he hadn't done it for joy when he learned his mother was safe.I don't care about the reason.It is enough for me that from the hour of my birth Laddie named me Little Sister,seldom called me anything else,and cared for me all he possibly could to rest mother.He took me to the fields with him in the morning and brought me back on the horse before him at noon.He could plow with me riding the horse,drive a reaper with me on his knees,and hoe corn while I slept on his coat in a fence corner.The winters he was away at college left me lonely,and when he came back for a vacation I was too happy for words.
Maybe it was wrong to love him most.I knew my mother cared for and wanted me now.And all my secrets were not with Laddie.I had one with father that I was never to tell so long as he lived,but it was about the one he loved best,next after mother.
Perhaps I should never tell it,but I wouldn't be surprised if the family knew.I followed Laddie like a faithful dog,when Iwas not gripping his waving hair and riding in triumph on his shoulders.He never had to go so fast he couldn't take me on his back.He never was in too big a hurry to be kind.He always had patience to explain every shell,leaf,bird,and flower I asked about.I was just as much his when pretty young girls were around,and the house full of company,as when we were alone.
That was the reason I was shivering on the cord wood,gripping his letter and thinking of all these things in order to force myself to go farther.
I was excited about the Fairies too.I often had close chances of seeing them,but I always just missed.Now here was Laddie writing letters and expecting answers;our Big Woods Enchanted,a Magic Carpet and the Queen's daughter becoming our size so she could speak with him.No doubt the Queen had her grow big as Shelley,when she sent her on an errand to tell Laddie about how to make sunshine;because she was afraid if she went her real size he would accidentally step on her,he was so dreadfully big.
Or maybe her voice was so fine he could not hear what she said.
He had told me I was to hurry,and I had gone as fast as I could until Something jumped;since,I had been settled on that cordwood like Robinson Crusoe on his desert island.I had to get down some time;I might as well start.
I gripped the letter,slid to the ground,and ran toward the big gate straight before me.I climbed it,clutched the note again,and ran blindly down the road through the forest toward the creek.I could hurry there.On either side of it I could not have run ten steps at a time.The big trees reached so high above me it seemed as if they would push through the floor of Heaven.I tried to shut my ears and run so fast I couldn't hear a sound,and so going,I soon came to the creek bank.There I turned to my right and went slower,watching for the pawpaw thicket.On leaving the road I thought I would have to crawl over logs and make my way;but there seemed to be kind of a path not very plain,but travelled enough to follow.It led straight to the thicket.At the edge I stopped to look for the beech.It could be reached in one breathless dash,but there seemed to be a green enclosure,so I walked around until I found an entrance.
Once there I was so amazed I stood and stared.I was half indignant too.
Laddie hadn't done a thing but make an exact copy of my playhouse under the biggest maiden's-blush in our orchard.He used the immense beech for one corner,where I had the apple tree.His Magic Carpet was woolly-dog moss,and all the magic about it,was that on the damp woods floor,in the deep shade,the moss had taken root and was growing as if it always had been there.He had been able to cut and stick much larger willow sprouts for his walls than I could,and in the wet black mould they didn't look as if they ever had wilted.They were so fresh and green,no doubt they had taken root and were growing.Where I had a low bench under my tree,he had used a log;but he had hewed the top flat,and made a moss cover.In each corner he had set a fern as high as my head.On either side of the entrance he had planted a cluster of cardinal flower that was in full bloom,and around the walls in a few places thrifty bunches of Oswego tea and foxfire,that I would have walked miles to secure for my wild garden under the Bartlett pear tree.It was so beautiful it took my breath away.
"If the Queen's daughter doesn't like this,"I said softly,"she'll have to go to Heaven before she finds anything better,for there can't be another place on earth so pretty."It was wonderful how the sound of my own voice gave me courage,even if it did seem a little strange.So I hurried to the beech,knelt and slipped the letter in the box,and put back the bark and stone.Laddie had said that nothing could hurt me while I had the letter,so my protection was gone as soon as it left my hands.
There was nothing but my feet to save me now.I thanked goodness I was a fine runner,and started for the pawpaw thicket.Once there,I paused only one minute to see whether the way to the stream was clear,and while standing tense and gazing,I heard something.For an instant it was every bit as bad as at the dry creek.Then I realized that this was a soft voice singing,and I forgot everything else in a glow of delight.The Princess was coming!